Wednesday, March 30, 2022




 A Review of The Great Reset. By Glenn Beck.

Mercury, 2021.

The Great Reset is real and is the most sinister threat we now face:

Those who have been following the alarming agenda of the Great Reset – if even by simply visiting the World Economic Forum website – know just what a shocking and dangerous thing this is. And I have already written a number of articles sounding the alarm about it, the WEF, and Klaus Schwab.


 The Great Reset is a proposal that is breathtaking in its scope. Its backers support altering nearly every part of society, from the cars we drive to the food we eat to the news reports we watch on television. Its core foundation was shaped almost entirely by a small, extremely wealthy and well-connected group of people, one that includes highly influential business leaders, environmentalists, government officials, and bankers.

 The goal of the Great Reset is both shocking and wildly ambitious: to transform the global economy, eliminate free markets, impose a new, more easily controllable and malleable economic system, and change the way people think about private property and corporations. The reset part of the Great Reset is an allusion to “pushing the reset button” on the global economy—and boy, do they want to push that sucker hard!

What Marxists and other haters of the West have not been able to do, Schwab and the WEF seem to be effortlessly pulling off. The Great Reset really is the culmination of the dream and plans of the globalist elites – where others have failed, this seems like it has a real chance of succeeding. Unless of course enough ordinary men and women wake up and fight back.

Indeed, the number of bigwigs supporting this – from Prince Charles to the UN secretary-general, to the head of the IMF and the CEO of BP, to name but a few – is alarming. When you have folks like Bill Gates, George Soros, Al Gore, John Kerry, the heads of Microsoft and other mega-corporations and tech giants involved, then you know we have a real fight on our hands


Tuesday, March 29, 2022


UAE, United States And Israel Launch Religious Coexistence And Tolerance Chrislam Group Ahead Of The Opening Of The Abrahamic Family House.

 UAE to open synagogue, part of Chrislam interfaith compound, in 2022

“The ‘Abraham Accords’ have shattered long-standing perceptions and now it is our duty to build and expand the circle of peace in the region and the world,” added the intelligence minister. “Through these meetings we send a clear message of reconciliation, acceptance and sharing. It is a great honor to lead Israel and the global Jewish community in this historic initiative.” Now, the US, United Arab Emirates and Israel have launched a joint Chrislam working team that will promote religious coexistence and tolerance. 


The US, United Arab Emirates and Israel launched a joint Chrislam working team that will promote religious coexistence and tolerance on Tuesday, just a day after the Abraham Accords states met at the Negev Summit in Israel.

For nearly 12 years, we’ve been telling you all about Chrislam, the foundation for the One World Religion, and thanks to the Abraham Accords and lots of hard work by people like Mohamed bin Zayed, Rick Warren and Pope Francis, that dream is on the cusp of being realized here in 2022. And because it’s Bible prophecy, Israel needs to be involved, and that they are in spades.

Chrislam is rapidly accelerating across the Middle East, riding the back of that killer wave called the Abraham Accords. In the fall, we are expecting that the Abrahamic Family House that will be the headquarters for Pope Francis’ Declaration of Human Fraternity, and will feature a mosque, a synagogue and a Roman Catholic Church. It’s like living in a Chick tract, isn’t it

Saturday, March 26, 2022


KETANJI BROWN JACKSON, CANNOT (or WILL NOT!) define "What a woman is." But a very small child can!


KBJ confirmation hearings

Judge Nominated To Supreme Court On The Basis Of Her Sex Can’t Define ‘Woman’ Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, who was nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court by President Joe Biden in large part because of her sex, said she couldn’t define what a woman is on Tuesday during her confirmation hearings.Jackson was chosen to replace retiring Justice Stephen Breyer in fulfillment of Biden’s identity politics pledge to install a black woman on the Supreme Court. Despite those reasons for her nomination, Jackson stumbled through giving a definition of “woman” when Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn asked the straightforward question.



wom·​an | \ ˈwu̇-mən
, especially Southern ˈwō- or ˈwə-
plural women\ ˈwi-​mən

Definition of woman

1a : an adult female person
b : a woman belonging to a particular category (as by birth, residence, membership, or occupation) usually used in combination councilwoman
2 : womankind
3 : distinctively feminine nature : womanliness
4 : a woman who is a servant or personal attendant
5a chiefly dialectal : wife
b : mistress


Tuesday, March 22, 2022



 The UN has come up with a way to beat “Climate Change”. The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women embracing the leftist madness, is suggesting that abortion, gender ideology and sexualization of children are a solution to climate change.

These people seem to have lost their mind. How can abortion, sexualization of children, gender ideology and contraception of girls change the weather? We can’t allow this madness to make further progress. The UN is discussing this now up until 25/3/2022. We need to act now to protect young girls who are being targeted.

Please send a message now to our Minister for Foreign Affairs Senator Marise Payne asking her to either demand that the United Nations Commission of the Status of Women deletes paragraph 3, 5 and 15 from the Zero Draft, as they promote abortion and gender ideology as a solution to climate change or defund the UN.

If the UN thinks that promoting abortion and gender ideology is a good idea or that it can change the weather, then we should not be sending any money in their direction.

Surely, we can do better than this to protect girls in Australia and around the world.

Click here to easily send a message to the Foreign Minister Marise Payne on this.


Monday, March 14, 2022

European Union


POKING THE BEAR! (THE CONTINUATION OF THE GREAT ''RESET?) Inflation rising, (Biden-flation! which began well before Russia invaded Ukraine) Food prices and shortages rise, gasoline prices out of control (Green New Deal!) and AMERICA has become WEAK and a laughing stock under the Biden Regime.

 NATO Taunts Putin By Launching ‘Cold Response’ Training Exercise Using 30,000 Troops And 50 Warships Near Russia’s Border In Norway.


The ‘Cold Response’ exercise includes 30,000 troops from more than 25 countries from Europe and North America, 200 aircraft, and 50 vessels. The largest NATO exercise which is held just a few miles from the Russian border was planned long before Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine but its significance has now been heightened. “This exercise is extremely important for the security of Norway and its allies. We will practice an allied reinforcement of Norway”, Norwegian Defence Minister Odd Roger Enoksen. “It is not being held because of the Russian authorities’ attack on Ukraine, but given the backdrop there is a heightened significance.” Right now, the key players are Russia, China and Iran, as these nations are grabbing all the headlines at the moment. Funny thing, though, on January 1 of 2020, the very first article we did that day was about Russia, China and Iran ratcheting up tensions. The only thing that’s changed in the 803 days we reported that news to you is that Russia, China and Iran are even closer to that WWIII now than they were back then. The whole world seems to be on an unavoidable collision course with destiny, wait, no, make that prophecy. Earlier today, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned that a possibility of nuclear conflict exists in the midst of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 

Iran Warns U.S That Days Of Middle East Dominance Are Over

 JANUARY 1 2020: After Joint War Games With Russia And China Conclude, Iran Tells The United States That Their Days Of Middle East Dominance Are Over

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Friday, March 11, 2022


Prokaryotic Cells: Structure, Function, and Definition

  BACTERIA’S EYES AND EARS (Friday Church News Notes, March 11, 2022,, 866-295-4143) - The following is from, December 6, 2021: “Modern researchers are learning that bacteria are not a simple form of life. Rather, a bacterium is a tremendously complex creature that thinks. Scientists have discovered that bacteria actually have molecule-sized sensors. Some of these sensors act as eyes, while others act as ears. A dozen other proteins have been discovered that receive the information gathered by the bacteria’s ‘eyes’ and ‘ears.’ The collected information is then processed the same way your brain gathers and makes sense of information. Bacteria have specialized senses and a brain. In fact, bacteria are better at sensing some things than you and I are. A bacterium can, for example, sense the difference between two parts and one part in 10,000. This is the same as if you could tell the difference between one jar with 9,999 pennies and another jar with 10,000 pennies! The idea that bacteria are just ‘simple’ forms of life comes from evolution. Growing research is showing that even one-celled creatures are not simple at all. Think of it. Every single-celled bacterium must accomplish, within that one cell, all the tasks we accomplish using the trillions of cells in our bodies. Eating, digestion, metabolism, waste removal, reproduction--and even thinking--all take place within a single cell! There is no such thing as a simple form of life. Science certainly argues against the idea that life began by accident. What science is learning urges us to think about the wise and thoughtful Creator Who made us! Author: Paul A. Bartz. Ref: Pietsch, Paul,‘The mind of a microbe,’ Science Digest, Oct. 1983, p. 69.”

Sunday, March 6, 2022

 A "Throw Away" Society!

Children have become "Things we throw away!"


"Shall I give my first-born for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?" --Micah 6:7

I was (for many decades), what one would call, "a rusted on LIBERAL VOTER!"But, I must now reassess!What about YOU?

Read the list of Parliamentary Candidates, and how they treat the unborn, who have NO RIGHTS!

SO MUCH FOR WOMENS' RIGHTS...WHAT ABOUT THE TINY FEMALES? This election may be called the Life Election  

In this Parliament, many MP's voted to support the ATTORNEY-GENERAL (Vicki Chapman)'s legislation which brought in ABORTION TO BIRTH in South Australia. Critically, 26 MP's voted AGAINST Minister David Speirs' amandments to RESTRICT access to late term abortion. Those members, including Premier Stephen Marshall, used their votes to ALLOW THE KILLING OF LATE-TERM, VIABLE BABIES.READ LIST:

Liberal Minister Speirs and Labour front benchers, Stephen Mullighan Tom Koutsantonis and Michael Brown, fought hard to restrict LATE TERM ABORTION. They and the other 17 MP's who voted for the Speirs amendment, deserve our commendation. OPPOSITION LEADER, Peter Malinauskas also voted for the amendment.  LINK TO THE LIST OF CANDIDATES HERE:


Wednesday, March 2, 2022


some dancing bees in circle on a beeswax

DANCING BEES (Friday Church News Notes, February 25, 2022,,, 866-295-4143) - The following is from, December 8, 2021: “Bees depend on a good memory of their surroundings to make the thousands of trips necessary to keep their hive in operation. Each day a single bee must make trips to hundreds of flowers, some as far as a mile from the hive. Scientists have long wondered how the tiny bee can remember what may be dozens of square miles of territory. When a bee finds a good source of nectar, she returns to the hive and does a dance for the other bees. This dance tells them where a new find is located. Researchers have studied this in detail and can now interpret these dances. Researchers from Princeton University tricked a bee into dancing out a location that turned out to be in the middle of a nearby lake. After receiving the message, the other members of the hive simply ignored their fellow worker. She kept dancing, but no one would believe her. Only later, when the dance clearly said that the flowers were on the opposite side of the lake, did the other bees pay attention and check out the flowers. Researchers are now wondering whether bees keep a mental map of their surroundings. How else could they tell when someone gives them a false location? Evolutionary researchers are trying to figure out how such an ‘evolutionarily simple’ creature as the bee could be so intelligent. However, the Bible makes clear that intelligence is not related to evolution. It is the gift of an all-wise Creator. Author: Paul A. Bartz. Ref: Horton, Elizabeth, ‘Bees as mapmakers,’ Science Digest, Sept. 1983, p. 90.”


What is the Biggest Killer in the World? For the second year in a row, abortions have been the leading cause of death worldwide, with more than three times as many people losing their lives to abortion than the second leading cause of death…Approximately 42.6 million abortions were performed worldwide in 2021. By contrast, only 13 million people perished of communicable diseases, the second-leading cause of death last year. The other leading causes of death paled in comparison to abortion, with 8.2 million people dying of cancer worldwide, nearly 5 million deaths caused by smoking, approximately 2.5 million alcohol-related deaths, nearly 1.7 million people succumbing to HIV/AIDS, more than 1.3 million people dying in traffic accidents, and nearly 1.1 million suicides worldwide. Additionally, water-related diseases caused approximately 850,000 deaths, the seasonal flu killed nearly half a million people, nearly 400,000 perished because of malaria, and over 300,000 mothers lost their lives during childbirth last year. A separate set of Corona virus statistics also compiled by Worldometer revealed that 3,524,139 people died with complications from COVID-19 in 2021. Approximately 58.7 million people died in 2021. That figure does not include those who died from abortion. If abortion as a cause of death was included, the number of deaths last year would have surpassed 100 million! (Ryan Foley for The Christian Post

Tuesday, March 1, 2022



Pretend President Joe Biden Says That He Has The Backs Of ‘Younger Transgender Americans’ So They Can Reach Their ‘God-Given Potential’, Oh Really? 

 Isaiah 5:20“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

 “And for our LGBTQ+ Americans, let’s finally get the bipartisan Equality Act to my desk. The onslaught of state laws targeting transgender Americans and their families is wrong,” Biden said. “As I said last year, especially to our younger transgender Americans, I will always have your back as your President, so you can be yourself and reach your God-given potential.” Do you want to know why you will never make America great again? Because for starters, you would have to outlaw all abortion, ban Satanism in all its many forms, remove all LGBTQ+ diversity programs from every aspect of government, and you would have to outlaw child gender surgery and chemical castration medication from the pharmacies from being prescribed to children. Do you think you can do all of that, no? How about any of that?