Wednesday, May 26, 2021

 **Excerpt from NTEB.


Pagan Pope Urges 1.5 Billion Followers To Protect ‘Mother Earth’ As He Preaches The Green Gospel Of Gaia Worship In His ‘Laudato Si’ Launch. The pontiff went on to call for “a new ecological approach” to transform “the way humans inhabit the world, our lifestyles, our relationship with the earth’s resources and, in general, our way of seeing human beings and living life. I therefore renew my appeal,” he said, “let us take care of our Mother Earth, let us overcome the temptation of selfishness that makes us predators of resources, let us cultivate respect for the gifts of the Earth and creation, let us finally inaugurate an eco-sustainable lifestyle and society.” Welcome to the green gospel of Gaia worship. 

 The Bible tells us in 2 Peter 3:10-13 in your King James Bibles that God is going to set this Earth on fire, and burn it till it no longer exists. God is going to blow the whole thing to His Kingdom come, that’s what God thinks of this sin-cursed Earth. Pope Francis who worships Mary also worships the ‘goddess spirit’ of Gaia, just as he forefathers did in Egypt and Babylon.

Pope Francis Calls for ‘Green Economics,’ ‘Green Education,’ ‘Green Spirituality’ in Green Gospel of Gaia Worship

FROM BREITBART NEWS: For a long time, the earth “has suffered from the wounds that we cause due to a predatory attitude, which makes us feel like owners of the planet and its resources and authorizes us to irresponsibly use the goods that God has given us,” the pope declared in a video message for the launch of the Laudato Si platform, a seven-year ecological project.



 ARTICLE LINKS HERE:  Last week, Brisbane’s Courier Mail published a disturbing article by Melinda Tankard Reist of Collective Shout.

“Barely a day goes by,” she said, “that a parent doesn’t contact me to tell me of the devastation and trauma caused as a result of their child being exposed to porn.

‘My 6-year- old was shown porn by an older boy at school.’

‘My daughter was on a kids’ games site and a porn pop-up appeared.’

‘My child googled an innocent term, and it took him straight to a porn site.’

‘My son was shown porn on the school bus on the way home.’ 

‘My 7-year-old saw porn at the school camp.’”

My own Downie children were largely home-schooled – protected to some degree from pornography thrust under their nose by other kids.
But these days, internet-connected devices are required for all types of school subjects. Some of the horror stories Melinda mentions can happen to any child or grandchild – yours or mine.

“Some of these children now suffer insomnia, nightmares, anxiety,” Melinda went on. “In the worst cases, they are medicated due to the level of disturbance caused by exposure to violent porn.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

(Excerpt from CULTURE WATCH.)

Lego, Leftism and Lunacy

Lego is the latest corporation to push woke capitalism:


The latest international corporate body to go woke big time as it pushes activist leftist causes is Lego. It seems it now wants children all over the world to be singing the praises of the radical homosexual agenda. As one news report says:

The LEGO toy company has announced the release of its rainbow “Everyone is Awesome” set for kids, just in time for Pride month. The multicolored set features 11 single-colored, non-gendered figurines that together form a rainbow with black and brown stripes as well as the “transgender flag colors,” LGBTQ Nation reported Thursday.


“The buildable display model is inspired by the iconic rainbow flag which is used as a symbol of love and acceptance by the LGBTQIA+ community,” LEGO said on its website, “and features 11 monochrome minifigures each with its own individual hairstyle and rainbow colour.”


“I wanted to create a model that symbolizes inclusivity and celebrates everyone, no matter how they identify or who they love,” said LEGO set designer Matthew Ashton, a LEGO vice president. “Growing up as an LGBTQ+ kid – being told what I should play with, how I should walk, how I should talk, what I should wear – the message I always got was that somehow I was ‘wrong.’”


“Trying to be someone I wasn’t was exhausting,” he added. “I wish, as a kid, I had looked at the world and thought: ‘This is going to be OK, there’s a place for me.’ I wish I’d seen an inclusive statement that said, ‘Everyone is awesome.’”


The figures in the set are supposed to “express individuality, while remaining ambiguous,” and do not come with pre-painted faces or clothes. The only distinguishing features are their different hairstyles and colors. Ashton said the purple figure, however, is supposed to be “a clear nod to all the fabulous drag queens out there.” The set goes on the market on June 1 for $34.99.


Saturday, May 22, 2021



2 Kings, 21:16

 Moreover Manasseh shed innocent blood very much, till he had filled Jerusalem from one end to another; beside his sin wherewith he made Judah to sin, in doing [that which was] evil in the sight of the LORD. 


Scalps and back skin grafted onto rodents:

 A growing number of research programs use the remains of aborted children to study human development, genetics, and disease. At Children of God for Life, we are including a focus beyond pharmaceuticals to the root cause in the scientific community. Until the commoditization of aborted children in scientific research ends, there will never be ethically irreproachable pharmaceuticals. 
Full-thickness human skin from aborted children was grafted onto rodents. Simultaneously the scientists co-engrafted the same child’s lymphoid tissues and hematopoietic stem cells from the liver. Rodent models were humanized autologously by grafting skin and organs from the same child onto the same rodent. These “human Skin and Immune System (hSIS)-humanized” mouse and rat models aid the study of infection-induced immunopathogenesis through skin infection. FULL ARTICLE HERE:


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

(Excerpt from NTEB)

Pope Francis Meets With Muslim Leaders Who Are Asking For Him To Side With Hamas And The Palestinians To Bring Sanctions Against Israel

The Vatican said Francis spoke by phone around 9 a.m. Monday with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Later, he met with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who was in Rome on a previously announced visit. The Vatican provided no comment on the content of the talks. On Sunday, Francis appealed for calm and international help to open a path of dialogue. Speaking during his Sunday blessing, Francis said the deaths of children in the latest surge of violence was a “sign that they don’t want to build the future but want to destroy it.” 
 A PAPAL ''BLAST FROM THE PAST." Pope Paul IV Decreed in 1555, that All Jews Leave Rome, forcing them into a Ghetto, just like Hitler did during WWII.

Pope speaks to Turkish President, Iranian FM about Gaza violence

FROM CRUX NOW: The Vatican said Francis spoke by phone around 9 a.m. Monday with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Later, he met with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who was in Rome on a previously announced visit. The Vatican provided no comment on the content of the talks.

On Sunday, Francis appealed for calm and international help to open a path of dialogue. Speaking during his Sunday blessing, Francis said the deaths of children in the latest surge of violence was a “sign that they don’t want to build the future but want to destroy it.”

Erdogan said he asked Pope Francis to support sanctions against Israel, saying Palestinians will continue to be “massacred” as long as the international community does not punish Israel. Erdogan also said that “continued messages and reactions” from Francis in support of Palestinians would be of great importance for the “mobilization of the Christian world and of the international community,” according to a statement from the Turkish presidential communications directorate.


Monday, May 17, 2021



REHABILITATING JUDAS as a Roman Catholic “Saint”: Will This be the Supreme Blasphemy of the Jesuit Antichrist?

Rehabilitating Judas as a Roman Catholic Saint, PDF format

The Jesuit/Vatican Newspaper’s Attempt to Give Judas a Makeover.

 “In a ringing endorsement of the world’s best-known traitor, the Vatican’s most prestigious publication has dedicated its Maundy Thursday Italian edition to rehabilitating Judas Iscariot through word and art.” So declared a Roman Catholic website in April 2021.[1]

The lead article for the Easter 2021 issue of L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican’s Jesuit-run newspaper, was entitled “Judas and the Scandal of Mercy”, and was devoted to attempting a makeover of Judas!  Indeed Andrea Monda, the editorial’s author and the paper’s director, wrote that the Vatican newspaper chose 2021 to honour Judas, despite being the “most tragic and unsettling” figure in the Gospel.[2]  And the paper made the point that the Jesuit pope Francis I recently hung a painting behind his desk which blasphemously depicts a naked supposed “Jesus” caressing the dead Judas Iscariot.  This painting was reproduced on the newspaper’s cover page.  Francis, it turns out, also has a photograph in his study of a medieval sculpture of a man carrying the dead body of Judas.



Friday, May 7, 2021



Is This the End of the West?

We can rightly ask: whither the West?

As is so often remarked, civilisations can die from at least two things: external attack or internal decay. The West has experienced its fair share of both, and one can rightly ask how much longer it can survive. Indeed, we see both things combining today to undermine the West.

Hostile ideologies like militant Islam have today replaced godless Communism as the main external threat to the West, with things like unchecked immigration and failed multiculturalism policies meaning that Islam can soon enough take over the West with no shots needing to be fired.

Couple that with the increased de-Christianisation of the West, and all that this entails – an explosion of immorality, the collapse of marriage and family, the decline of community, the rise of identity politics, the war against the free market, the rise of unchecked Statism, and the loss of hope in the future – and we see a perfect storm developing. READ THE REMAINDER HERE:

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Watch and Listen Here (Including Lyrics) 


Today's Beautiful Hymn,

"Thou Hidden Source of Calm Repose" (The All Sufficient Saviour)