**Excerpt from NTEB.
Pagan Pope Urges 1.5 Billion Followers To Protect ‘Mother Earth’ As He Preaches The Green Gospel Of Gaia Worship In His ‘Laudato Si’ Launch. The pontiff went on to call for “a new ecological approach” to transform “the way humans inhabit the world, our lifestyles, our relationship with the earth’s resources and, in general, our way of seeing human beings and living life. I therefore renew my appeal,” he said, “let us take care of our Mother Earth, let us overcome the temptation of selfishness that makes us predators of resources, let us cultivate respect for the gifts of the Earth and creation, let us finally inaugurate an eco-sustainable lifestyle and society.” Welcome to the green gospel of Gaia worship.
The Bible tells us in 2 Peter 3:10-13 in your King James
Bibles that God is going to set this Earth on fire, and burn it till it
no longer exists. God is going to blow the whole thing to His Kingdom
come, that’s what God thinks of this sin-cursed Earth. Pope Francis who worships Mary also worships the ‘goddess spirit’ of Gaia, just as he forefathers did in Egypt and Babylon.
Pope Francis Calls for ‘Green Economics,’ ‘Green Education,’ ‘Green Spirituality’ in Green Gospel of Gaia Worship
FROM BREITBART NEWS: For a long time, the earth “has suffered from the wounds that we cause due to a predatory attitude, which makes us feel like owners of the planet and its resources and authorizes us to irresponsibly use the goods that God has given us,” the pope declared in a video message for the launch of the Laudato Si platform, a seven-year ecological project.