Wednesday, March 31, 2021


The world calls it "Easter" but the Scriptures state that it was PASSOVER.

 Jesus Christ, the spotless Lamb of God, Who made the one and ONLY PERFECT ATONEMENT for the sins of His people. 

Colossians 1:14 - In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:

Saturday, March 27, 2021


Richard Bennett.

Many (and perhaps most)Christians are not taught about the horrible Inquisition, instituted by the Roman Catholic Popes, during the middle ages and up to 1800's.

The Video, by Richard Bennett, a former Dominican priest (for 22 years) tells the story in detail. WATCH THE VIDEO HERE:


“Anyone who attempts to construe a personal view of God which conflicts with Church dogma must be burned without pity.”
– Pope Innocent III (Not so innocent!)


Tuesday, March 23, 2021

12 Biblical Cases of Civil Disobedience.

Yes, there is a case for disobeying the state!

 Of course, whenever such matters are discussed, you will always get some Christians who will be all rather upset. They will claim that Christians must always obey the state, and that we must never disobey government authorities. They will often appeal to passages like Romans 13:1-7 to try to make their case.

 As mentioned, there are numerous cases of folks defying the authorities that are recorded in Scripture – either explicitly stated or implicitly implied. In both Testaments we have examples where the state or a ruler is disobeyed and those doing this are regarded in a favourable light.

 Sometimes this involves the direct defiance of a law or government decree. Sometimes it just involves a man of God standing up to an immoral or ungodly ruler. Let me offer twelve examples of this (thirteen, if we include Jesus in the list), in order of their appearance in Scripture, along with a brief bit of commentary on each:  FULL ARTICLE AND LINKS HERE:

Monday, March 22, 2021

‘President’ Joe Biden Bans Media Access To The Disgusting, Teeming Slum In Texas Where Illegal Immigrants Are Caged In Squalor And Filth.


Children are not supposed to be held in border patrol custody for more than three days. As of Saturday 2,226 children had been held in custody for more than five days and 823 for more than 10 days. The number of unaccompanied migrant kids in US custody surpassed 15,000 as of Saturday as the Biden administration announced that they 'would not expel young, vulnerable children.' This is a reverse of Trump administration policy, which was to generally expel all people who tried to illegally cross the border, regardless of age. 

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Monday the disturbing images of a crowded migrant ‘overflow’ tent in Texas showed what the Biden administration has said all along – the border facilities are no place for children.

The scope and depth of what’s happening right now on our southern border is go immense that it nearly defies description. Thousand of illegal immigrants and children, packed into squalid cages and holding areas, looking for all the world like a concentration camp is sending shockwaves across Washington today.

Compared to the Biden administration, Donald Trump is a indeed a ‘stable genius’ with how he and his team handled the border. Under Trump, crossings by illegals plummeted, under Biden they are coming over in numbers so large that a state of emergency may soon be declared to deal with it all. How bad is it? Bad enough where the Biden people have banned the media from visiting or viewing the facilities. That’s how bad it is.

Pictures Monday show inside the U.S. Customs and Border Protection temporary overflow facility in Donna, Texas

FROM DAILY MAIL UK: ‘These photos show what we’ve long been saying, which is that these border patrol facilities are not places made for children,’ she said in her press briefing on Monday. Refusing to call the situation at the US southern border a crisis, Psaki added: ‘They are not places that we want children to be staying for an extended period of time. Our alternative is to send children back on this treacherous journey that is not, in our view, the right choice to make.’

Congressman Henry Cuellar had released images from inside the U.S. Customs and Border Protection temporary overflow facility in Donna over the weekend. He said 400 unaccompanied male minors are being held in ‘terrible conditions’ in a space meant to hold a maximum of 260 people. Democrat Cuellar said he did not take the images but said that they offer an insight into the ‘terrible conditions for the children’ at the border, where he has recently toured a different shelter for children.

Psaki also said Monday that she didn’t know when media would be given access to the border facilities despite repeated requests by reporters to be allowed to visit.

A total of 823 unaccompanied children were held at US-Mexico border facilities for more than 10 days – more than a fourfold increase over the last week, according to an internal Department of Homeland Security document leaked to Axios Sunday.

Children are not supposed to be held in border patrol custody for more than three days. As of Saturday 2,226 children had been held in custody for more than five days and 823 for more than 10 days. The number of unaccompanied migrant kids in US custody surpassed 15,000 as of Saturday as the Biden administration announced that they ‘would not expel young, vulnerable children.’ This is a reverse of Trump administration policy, which was to generally expel all people who tried to illegally cross the border, regardless of age.





Saturday, March 20, 2021

Pope Francis Calls For ‘New World Order’ For Post-Pandemic World.

Pope Francis

 Pope Francis reportedly called for a 'new world order' for a post pandemic world in a book set to come out on Tuesday in Rome.

(Photo : Instagram) The Pope called for a "new world order" to arise after the COVID pandemic -- similar to what globalists behind the "Great Reset" are working towards.
According to Breitbart, the head of the Catholic Church insists for the establishment of a new world order after the pandemic because things will never be the same after it. Breitbart tagged the Pope's call for the new world order as the Great Reset except that the pontiff's moves away from the culture of inclusiveness that works towards the building of a green economy with focus on financial speculation, fossil fuels, and military build-up.

(Excerpt)  Breitbart said the new book, entitled "God and the World to Come," contained the Pope's interview with Italian journalist Domenico Agasso and that the English translation of the transcript's excerpt of is available in the Vatican News website.

According to the Vatican News website, Pope Francis focused on saving lives instead of building "weapons to destroy them" in the new book.

Agasso, as per the transcript's excerpt, asked the Pope how he interprets the "earthquake" that was COVID-19. The pontiff responded that there are moments of darkness that happen to everyone but the virus made this a unified, global experience brought to the very homes people live in, causing a uniform experience of pain and suffering that "invaded our thoughts, and attacked our dreams and plan.FULL ARTICLE MAY BE READ HERE:


paul writes to the ephesians (ephesians 6, 21-23), published 1886 - paul the apostle stock illustrations


Friday, March 19, 2021

‘President’ Joe Biden Who Bragged About His Fitness On The Campaign Trail Is Barely Able To Climb Up Steps On Air Force One Without Assistance.


Joe Biden has been filmed tripping three times in a row while walking up the stairs of Air Force One. The 78 year-old President of the United States repeatedly lost his footing and stumbled as he boarded the jet from Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland on Friday, bound for Atlanta in Georgia. Biden did not injure himself, and managed to regain his composure to walk up the remainder of the staircase without any apparent injury. He gave a salute to waiting servicemen after making it to the top of the red-carpeted staircase.

78 year-old ‘President’ Joe Biden repeatedly lost his footing and stumbled as he boarded the jet from Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland on Friday, bound for Atlanta in Georgia.

When you watch the whole clip on context, you can clearly see as Joe Biden is walking on the tarmac, he is already unsteady and not walking with control. When he attempts to navigate the rather steep steps on Air Force One, his falling down is already a forgone conclusion. The only question is how much longer can Joe Biden and the Democrats keep up the charade?

I am not writing to mock the ‘president’ or make fun of his falling down, no, nothing of the kind here. But what I am attempting to point out is that Joe Biden is growing visibly weaker over time, and shortly will be unable to carry out the duties of the most demanding job on the planet. Watch the video and you will see he trips because he lacks the strength to lift his legs high enough, his triple stumbles had absolutely zero to do with the wind or any other such nonsense. Tick, tock, Joe, tick tock until Kamala becomes president. (Excerpt from N.T.E.B. and Metro U.K.)


Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Bible Based Ministries

 Providing teaching from the Word of God, and a biblical exposure of the Papal system and all that is associated with it.


**New Pamphlet: WHEN JESUS DIED.  




…If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:31-32


 **Excerpt from N.T.E.B.


Israel Antiquities Authority Makes Stunning Announcement Of Discovery Of 2,000-Year Old Scripture Portions From Zechariah and Nahum

Two millennia later, fragments of those texts have reemerged, the Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced Tuesday. It is the first such discovery since the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1947 and the early Fifties. The inhospitable environment was considered a safe haven as the war between the Roman Empire and the Judean rebels led by Shimon Bar Kokhba raged around 130 AD. Jews found shelter in the caves and brought what they thought they needed for their new life. 

Psalm 12: 6 and 7. The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

.Some 1,900 years ago, Jewish and Christian refugees fleeing the Romans made their way to the Judean Desert. Among the belongings they carried with them were scrolls featuring the biblical books of Zechariah and Nahum.

The discovery of 1,900-year old scripture portions is an incredible revelation, but it becomes stunning when you realize that they were scripture portions held by first century Jewish and Christian believers, to keep them from falling into the hands of the evil Roman empire. The very same Roman empire that two centuries later would unleash the Roman Catholic Church upon the world, ushering in a thousand years of the Dark Ages. “More than 80 fragments of different sizes have been uncovered, some of them carrying text, some not,” Dr. Oren Ableman from the IAA Dead Sea Scroll Unit told The Jerusalem Post. “Based on the script, we dated them to the end of the first century BCE, which means that by the time it was brought to the cave, the scroll was already a century old.”

Here in the 21st century, the Roman empire and the Vatican are quite busy raising up the One World Religion of Chrislam, and the very scrolls that are bubbling back up to life are the same scripture that pronounces the coming destruction of the Whore of Babylon. Aren’t the end times wonderful? They are if you’re a bible believer.

2,000-year-old biblical texts found in Israel, the 1st since Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in 1947

FROM THE JERUSALEM POST: Two millennia later, fragments of those texts have reemerged, the Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced Tuesday. It is the first such discovery since the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1947 and the early Fifties. The inhospitable environment was considered a safe haven as the war between the Roman Empire and the Judean rebels led by Shimon Bar Kokhba raged around 130 CE. Jews found shelter in the caves and brought what they thought they needed for their new life.

In recent decades, the caves have been targeted by looters eager to find artifacts to sell on the private market. For this reason, a few years ago, the IAA, in cooperation with the Civil Administration’s Archaeology Department, launched a rescue operation to survey all the caves in the area. The findings, which include not only the biblical fragments, but also dozens of artifacts dating back as early as 10,000 years ago, have been astounding.

Monday, March 15, 2021


(Excerpt from N.T.E.B.)

Pope Francis Defends Accusations Of Chrislam Heresy Over Iraq Trip, Says What He Did Was Necessary To Create A One World ‘Inter-Religious System’ 


“Sometimes you just have to take a risk,” he said of the meeting. “There are some critics who say that the pope is not courageous, but reckless, that he is doing things against Catholic doctrine that are one step away from heresy,” he said. Throughout his papacy, conservatives have criticised his opening to the Muslim world, including the signing in 2019 of a joint document on inter-religious fraternity during a visit to Abu Dhabi. That visit was the first by a pope to the Arabian peninsula, home of Islam’s most sacred sites. 
1 John 2:23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. Note: ISLAM DECLARES THAT 'GOD HAS NO SON!"

Pope Francis said on Monday that he decided to visit Iraq despite a rise in COVID-19 cases after much prayer and contemplation and suggested God would protect those who came to see him from the virus.Pope Francis called Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani a ‘sage’, and that he was a ‘man of God’, and that all by itself should tell you everything you need to know about the Roman pope and his plans to launch the One World Religion of Chrislam on this world. Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani is not a ‘man of God’, he is someone that denies the deity of Jesus Christ and denies that He alone is the Saviour of the world. Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani represents Antichrist, not God, and so does Pope Francis. 

Pope Francis has been called a heretic by conservative Catholics and rightly so, but even if he was in line with traditional Catholicism he would still be facing the fires of Hell as the Roman Catholic Church is not the church that Jesus shed His blood to create on the cross. It is counterfeit Christianity, and not only that, it is the launching pad from which the One World Religion of Chrislam is springing.


Sunday, March 7, 2021

(Excerpt from N.T.E.B.)

Pope Francis Travels To Ur Of The Chaldees To Hold Chrislam Worship Service That Left Jesus Christ Out Of His ‘Prayer For Peace’ At Pagan Ziggurat. 


Pope Francis travelled south from Baghdad to the ancient city of Ur to hold an historic interreligious meeting on Saturday, the second day of his Apostolic visit to Iraq. The set-up was stark, but poignant: a simple, tent-like structure, with white drapes to protect participants from the sun, was set up next to Abraham’s house. After the meeting, the Pope gathered in prayer together Muslims, Jews, representatives of Iraq’s Christian Churches, and members of Iraqi religious minorities, including the Yazidis and Sabaeans, who together invoked the Lord for peace, reconciliation and the strength to rebuild the conflict-ravaged nation.

Joined by Muslims, Jews, representatives of different Christian Churches and other Iraqi religious minorities in the Iraqi city of Ur, Pope Francis prays for reconciliation, peace and the strength to rebuild the ravaged nation through Chrislam.

The main figure in the entire bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is Jesus Christ, He is foretold in the Old Testament and revealed in the New Testament. The bible says about Him that He is the ‘express image’ of God and that He is God ‘manifest in the flesh’. Not only that, Jesus is the ‘name above all names’, and is the name to which ‘every knee shall bow’ and ‘every tongue confess’ that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of the Father. Jesus, the bible tells us, is the ‘prince of peace’ without whom there can be no peace. Now, can someone please tell me why Jesus didn’t get even an ‘honorable mention’ in the pope’s prayer in Ur of the Chaldees today? Pope Francis in Iraq today, while working to establish Abraham as the central figure in his One World Religion of CHRISLAM, ‘prayed for peace’ and never mentioned the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. The occasion was an excellent illustration of the One World Religion we see laid out for us in Revelation 13, 17 and 18 in your King James Bibles. On the 14th of this month I will have been saved for 30 years, I’ve waited a long time for bible prophecy to begin to come to pass, and rejoice as I now see with my eyes what I have long believed by faith.


John 14:6...Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life: NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE FATHER BUT BY ME.


Thursday, March 4, 2021

**Excerpt from N.T.E.B. 

The GayBCs Is A New Story Book To Indoctrinate Impressionable Young Children Into The Homosexual And Transgender Lifestyle.


A playdate extravaganza transforms into a joyful celebration of friendship, love, and identity as four young friends sashay out of all the closets, dress up in a wardrobe fit for kings and queens, and discover the wonders of their imagination. In The GayBCs, M. L. Webb’s playful illustrations and lively poems delight in the beauty of embracing one’s truest self—from A is for Aro and Ace to F is for Family to T is for Trans.



Monday, March 1, 2021

(**Excerpt from N.T.E.B.)

Pope Francis Refers To The Flood Of Noah As A ‘Mythical Tale’ And Says God Will Send Judgment On Earth Not For Sin But Because Of Climate Change.


Pope Francis believes that climate change is something that God will judge the world for with perhaps a second flood, and says nothing about God judging people for their sins. Guess no one told Francis that God cursed the earth back in Genesis 3, and Romans 8 shows of how the earth desires to be released from that curse. But isn't that just like the Whore of Babylon to get you focused on your 'sin' of climate change while leaving your actual sins which you have committed unpaid for. 

“The biblical flood, according to experts, is a mythical tale,” the pope states, “But myth is a form of knowledge,” he says.

Pope Francis has a curious understanding of the bible, according to him it’s a real book that contains stories that may or not be ‘mythical’, like the flood of Noah. He seems to be quite unsure of the veracity of the Genesis account, so he quotes secular experts who agree it’s mythical . I am guessing he does this so as to not offend the atheists.

Moving on from whether or not the ‘vicar of Christ’ actually does believe the biblical account of Noah’s flood, on his second point there is no misunderstanding him. Pope Francis believes that climate change is something that God will judge the world for with perhaps a second flood, and says nothing about God judging people for their sins. Guess no one told Francis that God cursed the earth back in Genesis 3, and Romans 8 shows of how the earth desires to be released from that curse. But isn’t that just like the Whore of Babylon to get you focused on your ‘sin’ of climate change while leaving your actual sins which you have committed unpaid for.

If you are a Roman Catholic, your pope is taking you to Hell at lightning speed. You better get saved before you die because Hell is real, and purgatory is not. Choose wisely. And I can guarantee you one thing, no one will be sent to Hell for how they treated the earth. But you will be sent to Hell for dying without getting saved by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.