Thursday, October 31, 2019


By Geoffrey Grider.

TRICK OR TREAT: Nancy Pelosi And The Democrats Ram Through First Formal Vote On Impeachment Of President As Witch Hunt Becomes Official

The tally was 232-196, with all Republicans who voted opposing the resolution and just two Democratic defectors joining them: freshman Rep. Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey and 15-term veteran Rep. Collin Peterson of Minnesota, one of his party’s most conservative members. Both represent GOP-leaning districts. The vote, which occurred on Halloween, drew a familiar Twitter retort from Trump: “The greatest Witch Hunt in American History!”

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats celebrated the dark holiday of Halloween today by pushing through and successfully voting on passage of the first stage of ground rules for proceeding forward with the impeachment of President Trump. Things just got real. However divided this country was yesterday pales in comparison to the rift that was opened up today in Congress.
Why are the Democrats doing this? Because Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren or any of the other Democrats running for office in 2020 are incapable of beating Donald Trump in a fair, head to head fight. The Russian Dossier didn’t work, the Russian Collusion Hoax didn’t work, the Mueller Report didn’t work, 3 relentless year of the fake news media advocating on behalf of the Democrats in attempting to destroy Donald Trump didn’t work.




Tuesday, October 29, 2019

When I was a child, (decades ago now!)
HALLOWEEN was never heard of!
We had GUY FAWKES night, commemorating the plot to assassinate  King James I of England and the whole Parliament. Had this been successful, we may never have had our KJV BIBLE! 
But by God's Grace, the wicked plot was discovered.

Halloween, or "All Hallows Eve" the (so called) night of GHOSTS, WITCHES, GOBLINS, WICCAS etc.



Monday, October 28, 2019


Pope Francis Changes Name Of Vatican Secret Archive To Whitewash Its Sinister Past And Connection With The Spanish Inquisition And Nazi Germany 

4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

From now on, the vast trove of documents, manuscripts and papyrus of popes past will be officially known as the 'Vatican Apostolic Archive.' In a new law, Francis noted that the archive has long been open to scholars and that he himself has decreed that the archives of World War II-era Pope Pius XII, accused by some of not speaking out enough about the Holocaust, would be open to researchers ahead of schedule on March 2, 2020. 

 Going back to the First Century AD, when the Roman Catholic Church was not a church but existed as the Roman Empire, the Romans for nearly 300 years fed Jews and Christians to lions, trapped them in catacombs, crucified them and burned them at the stake. These are the facts of history. Then right around 325 AD, the Roman government got tired of fighting the Christians executed a hostile takeover of biblical Christianity and declared it to be the new ‘state religion’. This began a period of time known as The Dark Ages, and brother did things ever get dark

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, rapist, led genocidal 'caliphate,' died in tunnel.




Like most jihadists, his main motivation was murder and genocide, combined with far-Right religious hatred. Hitler died in a bunker; Baghdadi died in a tunnel.

October 28, 2019 16:33 Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was a rapist. Like most jihadists, his main motivation was murder and genocide, combined with far-Right religious hatred. In Islamic State, the organization and "state" that he led, he was able to exploit various strands of followers to create the closest thing the Middle East has seen to a short-lived, Nazi-style country.

He spent his days as leader raping women the group had kidnapped while his men died on the front lines. Like Hitler, he enjoyed the good life while his Sunni soldiers suffered under the bombs of the US-led coalition and struggled to stop the rising tide of Shi’ite militias and Kurdish fighters arrayed against them. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was a rapist. Like most jihadists, his main motivation was murder and genocide, combined with far-Right religious hatred. In Islamic State, the organization and "state" that he led, he was able to exploit various strands of followers to create the closest thing the Middle East has seen to a short-lived, Nazi-style country.

He spent his days as leader raping women the group had kidnapped while his men died on the front lines. Like Hitler, he enjoyed the good life while his Sunni soldiers suffered under the bombs of the US-led coalition and struggled to stop the rising tide of Shi’ite militias and Kurdish fighters arrayed against them.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

President Trump Watched While ISIS Supreme Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Died Like A ‘Whimpering Dog’ During US Special Ops Raid At Secret Hideout (The coward he really was!) But, never mind, he's in "Paradise" with the rest of his dead thugs! Good riddance!

The White House confirmed that Trump watched and listened to the operations unfold in the Situation room Saturday night – Sunday morning Syria time – with National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien, Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Joint Chiefs of Staff U.S. Army General Mark Milley and Brig. General Marcus Evans.  The president said, while claiming he's been looking for Baghdadi ever since assuming office, that he's potentially the only one better at 'using the internet' than ISIS forces.  'A couple of weeks ago they were able to scope him out,' Trump said of the U.S. intelligence community. WATCH PRESIDENT TRUMP HERE:

Saturday, October 26, 2019


Reaching the ordinary Christian

Though German Lutherans had been singing hymns for 100 years, John Calvin had urged his followers to sing only metrical psalms; English Protestants had followed Calvin's lead.
Watts's 1707 publication of Hymns and Spiritual Songs technically wasn't a collection of hymns or metrical psalms, but it was a collection of consequence. In fact, it contained what would become some of the most popular English hymns of all time, such as "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross."
Watts didn't reject metrical psalms; he simply wanted to see them more impassioned. "They ought to be translated in such a manner as we have reason to believe David would have composed them if he had lived in our day," he wrote. 
Watts' writing "The Psalms of David," Imitated in the Language of the NEW TESTAMENT, followed in the year 1719. (300 years ago!)

Friday, October 25, 2019

50 Families Sue Over Illinois High School’s Transgender Bathroom Policy


 A group of 50 families whose children attend a high school in Illinois filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday, attempting to reverse a policy that allows a transgender student to use girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms and other sex-specific facilities.

The families are challenging a policy at Township High School District 211 that was mandated by the U.S. Department of Education to accommodate the transgender student, who was born male but identifies as a female.
“It’s an organic group of parents and students who came together and said, ‘We have to do something about this — we can’t just roll over and allow the federal government to force our school to co-mingle the sexes in locker rooms,’” said Jeremy Tedesco, a lawyer representing the families.
The suit, which challenges the Education Department’s authority to redefine the term sex in Title IX of U.S. law to include gender identity and to enforce it against schools, is the first of its kind, Tedesco told The Daily Signal.
The president of the group filing the lawsuit, Students and Parents for Privacy, said she and other Cook County parents with children in the school district decided legal action “was the only thing we could do at this point.”

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

SHOWDOWN: Adam Schiff Literally Runs Away As Group Of 30 House Republicans Storm The Democrats Closed-Door Secret Sham Impeachment Proceedings

Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, refused to speak to the GOP lawmakers seeking admission. “He left,” Republican Rep. Roger Marshall of Kansas said. “He just got up and left. He doesn’t have the guts to tell us why we can’t be in the room, why he doesn’t want this to be transparent.” Marshall called the closed-door investigation “the biggest farce of my life,” and other Republican lawmakers lined up to condemn the secrecy. “To disregard, to repudiate, close to 60 million Americans in the 2016 election, if they are going to do that, do it in public,” said Rep. Mo Brooks, an Alabama Republican. “Show your faces so we can all see the travesty you are trying to foist on America.”

Dozens of House Republicans stormed a secure hearing room where lawmakers are conducting impeachment proceedings and demanded entry but were denied by “Democratic leadership,” they said Wednesday.

Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, refused to speak to the GOP lawmakers seeking admission.

The Democrats are in an increasingly-tough position as the sham Trump impeachment proceedings drag on. And despite the best efforts of the fake news media to publish endless “Bombshell!!” headlines of the “coming revelations” that are sure to sink President Trump, it’s becoming more and more obvious they have nothing. Zip. Nada. Zilch. Nothing at all. The best they can do is to present the appearance of an impeachment without actually ever voting to impeach. Which, I am pretty sure, is in violation of established US law and protocols.

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding."

We are often tempted to think that God makes mistakes!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Texas Jury Rules Against Father Trying To Save His 7-Year Old Son From Chemical Castration As Mother Is Legally Allowed To Continue Forced Gender Transition Of Boy

Last week, the arguments revolved around James’ diagnosis of gender “dysphoria,” medical records recommending he begin the process of preparing for puberty blockers, and expert testimony about the risks and alleged benefits of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. Mr. Younger is worried about Dr. Georgulas forcing a lifetime of misery on their son. Transgender-identifying individuals, even when encouraged in their confusion, suffer from more psychological issues than the general population, have shorter lifespans, and are more likely to committ suicide.

FROM LIFE SITE NEWS: This means James’ mother, Dr. Anne Georgulas, will be able to continue “transitioning” him into “Luna,” and now has full authority to start him on puberty blockers and eventually cross-sex hormones. The jury’s decision likely means that Mr. Younger will be required to “affirm” James as a girl, despite his religious and moral objections, and will also be forced to take a class on transgenderism.

With a consensus of 11 of the 12 jurors, the jury decided not to grant Mr. Younger Sole Managing Conservatorship over his two twin boys. They voted that the current Joint Managing Conservatorship should be replaced by a Sole Managing Conservatorship, but that Mr. Younger should not be that person. Judge Kim Cooks will read her ruling on possession, child support, and Dr. Georgulas’ other requests at 1:30 p.m. CST on Wednesday.

Jury rules against dad trying to save his 7-year-old from gender ‘transition’

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Lord Jesus Christ warned us to ''Take Heed, That Ye Be Not Deceived."
                                 LUKE 21:8

 The cry from many Christian quarters, these days, is to "All get together" 
(the Pope's call for unity, ecumenism.) 

But, another Voice calls from God's Word, in Revelation 18:4...
  "And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." 


Saturday, October 19, 2019

Many people are unaware of just how we got to the place of 
''ANYTHING GOES!" A morally and spiritually bankrupt society.
What, or who changed our "Western Values?" How did this creeping evil permeate society? This man, 
ALFRED KINSEY, is one of the main
"movers and shakers."
What does LGBTQP+ MEAN?



Breakfast Food Giant Kellogg’s Teams With Radical Pro-LGBTQ+ Activist Group GLAAD To Launch ‘All Together’ Cereal To Indoctrinate Children

The new cereal from Kellogg's brings several of the company’s most popular cereals together. The box includes Raisin Bran, Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops, and Frosted Mini Wheats. “We all belong together,” the company said in a press release. “So for the first time in history, our famous mascots and cereals are offered exclusively together in the same box for All Together Cereal. It’s a symbol of acceptance no matter how you look, where you’re from or who you love.”

Kellogg’s Teams with GLAAD for ‘Anti-Bullying’ Campaign with ‘All Together’ Cereal

Kellogg’s Teams with GLAAD for ‘Anti-Bullying’ Campaign with ‘All Together’ Cereal

FROM BREITBART: The new cereal brings several of the company’s most popular cereals together. The box includes Raisin Bran, Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops, and Frosted Mini Wheats.
“We all belong together,” the company said in a press release. “So for the first time in history, our famous mascots and cereals are offered exclusively together in the same box for All Together Cereal. It’s a symbol of acceptance no matter how you look, where you’re from or who you love.”
The different cereals come packaged separately in individual bags inside each box, Kellogg’s said.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Amazing Non-Biblical Infographic Video Accidentally Shows You How The Roman Catholic Church And Vatican City Fulfills Revelation 17

A lot of people are unaware that all Roman Catholic popes hold dual roles as they serve. First, the pope serves as the spiritual leader of the world's Roman Catholics, and is said to be 'infallible' when speaking from his throne. Second, all popes are also the king of a country called Vatican City, and is listed among the 193 nations of the United Nations in a role called 'permanent observer'. So the Roman Catholic Church controls a spiritual kingdom and a political kingdom, this level of influence which is unique in world history allows the Roman Catholic Church to fulfill all the requirements and attributes listed in Revelation 17. From this dual nature, it is able to control politics, acquire massive wealth, and control people spiritually. 
REVELATION 17:3-6   3So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 5And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. 6And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. FULL ARTICLE AND LINKS TO STORY HERE:

Friday, October 11, 2019

 (The Words of our Lord Jesus Christ:53 When I was daily with you in the temple, ye stretched forth no hands against me: but this is your hour, and the power of darkness. 

Luke 22:53 KJV

Just In Time For Halloween, The Satanic Temple Opens New Headquarters In Salem Massachusetts With Massive Statue Of Baphomet Greeting Visitors (with adoring children looking on!)

Amid the witchy hoopla of downtown Salem, the international headquarters of The Satanic Temple occupies an antique home that — save for a facade of pitch-black clapboard — looks unassuming. On the front porch hangs a wreath of kindling in the shape of a goat head. Inside, it’s every goth teen’s Victorian dream home. A grand yet chilling staircase stands in the entryway, off of which branch rich rooms decorated with elegantly creepy touches like heavy, dark carved woodwork, velvet damask wallpaper and glass display cases filled with twisted artifacts. Unlike any fixer-upper you might see on HGTV, the temple’s notorious Baphomet statue dominates the main sitting room. Unsurprisingly, the house once served as a funeral home. 

America has existed since 1776, and never at any time did satanism or anything connected with the Devil become a visible, open segment of our society. For 243 years we have resisted Satan and rightly consigned things connected with him to the outskirts of society. This is not the case in 2019. Now we see groups like The Satanic Temple not only operating openly, but registered with the United States government as an officially-recognized ‘tax-exempt church’. REMAINDER OF THE STORY HERE:

SALEM, MA: September 27, 2019: Lucien Greaves of the Satanic Temple in Salem, Massachusetts. (Staff photo By Nicolaus Czarnecki/MediaNews Group/Boston Herald)

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Pope Francis Tells Interviewer That Jesus Christ Was Born As ‘Exceptional Man’ But He Was ‘Not At All A God’ As Vatican Doesn’t Deny Or Demand Correction Of Account

According to the highly respected Catholic blog, Rorate Caeli, and Radio Spada in Italy, Scalfari states in the Oct. 9 edition of La Repubblica (behind paywall) the following: "Those who, as it has happened many times with me, have had the luck of meeting him and speaking to him with the greatest cultural intimacy, know that Pope Francis conceives Christ as Jesus of Nazareth, man, not God incarnate." "Once incarnate, Jesus stops being a God and becomes a man until his death on the cross." Scalfari continues, "When I had the chance of discussing these sentences, Pope Francis told me: 'They are the proven proof that Jesus of Nazareth, once having become a man, was, though a man of exceptional virtues, not at all a God.'" READ THIS BLASPHEMY HERE:

In the latest edition of La Repubblica, Pope Francis’ longtime atheist friend and interviewer, Eugenio Scalfari, claims that the Pope told him that once Jesus Christ became incarnate, he was a man, a “man of exceptional virtues” but “not at all a God.”

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

 This lot needs a real job!  
The ‘Extinction Rebellion’ Cult
Oct 9, 2019              From CULTURE WATCH.

It is not the imminent collapse of the earth that we should fear, but loony groups like Extinction Rebellion:

Communism never dies – it just mutates into different forms. The hatred of the West, the hatred of the free market, and ultimately, the hatred of people, is always with us in one form or another. And the old communist war on the West simply continues in new guises today.
The latest form it takes is radical environmentalism. West-hating lefties have not disappeared from the scene – they have simply morphed into today’s greens. But the same revolutionary zeal to destroy the West remains. One person who should know all about this is the co-founder of Greenpeace, Dr Patrick Moore.

Let’s be frank: they’re nuts. These people are crazy. If society were to cave in to their demented demands, humankind would be propelled into the most devastating form of austerity imaginable. If they got their way, the poor would stay poor, the Third World would never develop, meat would be banned, flying would be unaffordable to all but the wealthiest people, and you would be shamed for having children. These people want to inflict misery and penury and barrenness on humankind and it’s about time more of us said so.
Extinction Rebellion protests increasingly resemble cult-like gatherings. I’ve seen these people forming circles and swaying back and forth as they warn of the hellfire that will shortly consume mankind. ‘What will you do when the world gets hot, what, what?’, they chant.
 Did you know?  In the late 1970's, there
was much chatter about
A COMING NEW ICE AGE! "Scientists gave us grim warnings :-(
               Image result for image climate change

It was hailed as a "looming catastrophe" and millions were going to die from starvation and cold. Then, GLOBAL WARMING,
but gradually morphed into to CLIMATE CHANGE (changed into what?) a ''GLOBAL EMERGENCY!"

 "Climate experts believe the next ice age is on its way." 
                  Leonard Nimoy, 1978. (Mr Spock)

I actually had teachers in the early 70's pumping up the coming Ice Age. Their miracle cure was always the same , less people, more taxes , more government control. Of course they never did tell us how any of that would effect the weather, we were supposed to take their word for it.
In 1978, Leonard Nimoy expounded on the horrors of the coming global cooling. In 2014, Leonardo DiCaprio expounds on the horrors of the coming global warming.

 Pope Francis declares "climate emergency" and urges action on climate.

Addressing energy leaders, pope warns of ‘catastrophic’ effects of global heating

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Rep. Adam Schiff, Congressman
or Con-man?

Image result for image adam schiff

Saturday, October 5, 2019

 Video presented by Darren Cadaphen, and
taken from"Men of Destiny" by Peter Masters,
of the Metropolitan Tabernacle, London.
Image result for metropolitan tabernacle men of destiny video phillip p bliss
This amazing short story, of the Hymn
Writer, PHILIP P. BLISS, is one not to be missed! In his short life time,Philip wrote,
blessed Hymns like, MAN OF SORROWS and MORE GRATITUDE GIVE ME, along with
many other beautiful Hymns. 



Friday, October 4, 2019

Mattel Has Launched a Customizable, Gender-Neutral Doll

“I’m still scared, but these [dolls] make me less scared.”
If you think you have seen it all -
Here We Go Again!
 This is child abuse in the worst form.
Imagine the confusion of any child who is subjected to this. SHAME ON PARENTS

Thursday, October 3, 2019

CODE NAME ALASKA: Planned Parenthood Opens An 18,000 Sq. Ft. Built In Secret ‘Mega-Clinic’ Capable Of Performing Over 11,000 Abortions Per Year

The new location is just 13 miles away from Missouri's last remaining abortion clinic, a facility in St. Louis fighting to keep its license. Since August 2018, Planned Parenthood has used a shell company to construct the facility, leaving no public trace that the former medical office would become one of the largest abortion clinics in the country. CBS News first visited the site in August, while it was still being built.
We have arrived in a day and time, the biblical last days foretold in prophecy, where evil would rise and the power of darkness would envelope the land. The Planned Parenthood facility here brags about how many they can ‘process’ per day, and that they are will to kill babies up to 6 months old. And those are the ‘selling points‘ of how ‘efficient’ their new (concentration camp) ‘health clinic’ is.

Planned Parenthood has been building a secret abortion "mega-clinic" in Illinois

Planned Parenthood has been building a secret abortion “mega-clinic” in Illinois

FROM CBS NEWS: The new location is just 13 miles away from Missouri’s last remaining abortion clinic, a facility in St. Louis fighting to keep its license. Since August 2018, Planned Parenthood has used a shell company to construct the facility, leaving no public trace that the former medical office would become one of the largest abortion clinics in the country. CBS News first visited the site in August, while it was still being built. READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE:

 Pope Francis sends Chrislam gifts to mosque to show ‘esteem and affection to the Muslim community’

Pope Francis Sends Chrislam Gifts To Mosque Including A Signed Copy Of Abu Dhabi Statement That It Is ‘God’s Will’ To Create A One World Unified Religion

Pope Francis offered Ramtoolah a memorial medal created for his recent papal trip to Africa, and also the copy of the problematic Abu Dhabi statement, which says in part that the “diversity of religions” is “willed by God.” The pope signed the “Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together,” with Ahmad el-Tayeb, Grand Imam of al-Azhar Mosque in Egypt, during an interreligious meeting in Abu Dhabi in February.

Pope Francis sends Chrislam gifts to mosque to show ‘esteem and affection to the Muslim community’

FROM LIFE SITE NEWS: Cardinal Maurice Piat, Bishop of Port-Louis, Mauritius, presented two gifts to a local mosque on behalf of Pope Francis last week, one a copy of the controversial Abu-Dhabi statement which claims that a diversity of religions is willed by God.
Piat went to the Jummah Mosque on September 24 to present Nissar Ramtoolah, president of the mosque, with the two gifts from Pope Francis, according to a translated report from the Diocese of Port-Louis. Photos of the exchange show the cardinal dressed as a layman all in white.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Democratic Candidate Joe Biden Refers To 63,000,000 Donald Trump Supporters As The ‘Dregs Of Society’ In Speech At LGBTQ+P For Pedophile Event

Joe Biden calls Trump supporters the ‘dregs of society

Joe Biden calls Trump supporters the ‘dregs of society’

FROM RT: While speaking to the crowd at the Human Rights Campaign dinner in Washington on Saturday night, Joe Biden lamented the fact that “virulent people” and the “dregs of society” have a friend in the White House.
Despite losing in the courts and in the court of public opinion, these forces of intolerance remain determined to undermine and roll back the progress you all have made,” he argued. “This time they — not you — have an ally in the White House. They’re a small percentage of the American people, virulent people,” he continued. “Some of them the dregs of society.
“And instead of using the full might of the executive branch to secure justice, dignity [and] safety for all, the president uses the White House as a literal, literal bully pulpit, callously exerting his power over those who have little or none.” STORY HERE:

 “For the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips let them even be taken in their pride: and for cursing and lying which they speak.” Psalm 59: verse 12

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Watch this 7 minute video, by 
Gov. Mike Huckabee.