Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Creation Of Human And Animal Embryo Hybrids Set To Begin In Japan After Government Gives Green Light To Controversial Stem Cell Experiments

In Japan itself, scientists were forbidden from going beyond a 14-day growth period. But those laws were relaxed in March when the country’s education and science ministry issued new guidelines saying such creations could now be brought to term. Now, Dr Nakauchi’s application to experiment is the first to be approved under that new framework. "We don't expect to create human organs immediately, but this allows us to advance our research based upon the know-how we have gained up to this point," he told the Asahi.  God confounded the language of the people at the Tower of Babel because He did not want them discovering advanced technological feats until the time was right, but that was then and this is now. Now being the end times where man will ‘soar to new heights’ in a God-rejecting world, and will be convinced right up to the moment of the Second Coming that they were ‘smarter than the bible’. As God removes His protective hand and prepares this world for judgment, dazzling new ‘scientific advances’ like human-animal hybrids will be par for the course.

1 Timothy 6:20

“O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:”

Monday, July 29, 2019


Roman Catholic Pedophile Priests Are Being Harbored And Protected By Covert Vatican-Linked Group ‘Opus Bono Sacerdotii’ To Escape Justice

Though Catholic leaders deny the church has any official relationship with the group, Opus Bono Sacerdotii successfully forged networks reaching all the way to the Vatican. The Associated Press unraveled the continuing story of Opus Bono in dozens of interviews with experts, lawyers, clergy members and former employees, along with hundreds of pages of documents obtained through Freedom of Information requests. Just when you thought that the Roman Catholic harlot could not be any more devious, deceptive or demonic, up pops a Catholic ‘rapid-response group’ known as Opus Bono Sacerdotii. What is the mission of Opus Bono Sacerdotii? They provide funds, food and lodging for Roman Catholic peodphile priests who are on the run from justice. When they get caught and put in jail, Opus Bono Sacerdotii steps in with more money and lawyers to try and make the accusations ‘go away’ with the result of the pedophile priest being return to a parish where he gets to abuse more children. STORY HERE:

Sunday, July 28, 2019

**Blogger's note:
With the rise and rise of THE "DEMOCRAT'S" SOCIAL AGENDA in
the United States, it is curious to see the wicked JESUITS sprouting COMMUNISM! But then,
this is nothing new for the VATICAN.

Official Jesuit Magazine ‘America’ Makes The ‘Catholic Case For Communism’ In Outrageous Article Defending The Murderous Ideology Of Marxism

As a number of prospective presidential candidates from the Democrat party are openly donning the mantle of socialism, America took the issue one step further, suggesting that the negative reaction to “Bernie Sanders’s inspiring 2016 primary bid and the electoral success of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib” represents a “revival of socialist hysteria.” Dettloff showcases Marxist priests “like Herbert McCabe, O.P., Ernesto and Fernando Cardenal, S.J., Frei Betto, O.P., Camilo Torres” who “have been inspired by communists and in many places contributed to communist and communist-influenced movements as members,” as if the corruption of Catholic clergy were grounds for supporting Marxism. FULL STORY HERE:

Monday, July 22, 2019

With all the RAZZAMATAZZ over the
MOON LANDING, there is much more to this!  OPERATION PAPERCLIP.

OPERATION PAPERCLIP: As America Celebrates the 50th Anniversary Of Apollo 11, No Mention Is Made Of The Brutal Nazi War Criminals Who Made the Historic ‘Moon Landing’ Event Possible

The fact that more than 1,600 German Nazi scientists were employed on the design and production of the Apollo 11 Moon landing was conveniently ignored at the time of the mission, and no wonder. These men were veterans of the infamous programme to build V2 rockets, the secret weapons that Hitler believed would obliterate London and save Germany from defeat in the Second World War. ‘Everyone forgot the hell those Nazis created to build their rocket,’ Beon recalled when we met in 1986. The world forgot that 20,000 innocent men were murdered by those Germans.’

The fact that more than 1,600 German Nazi scientists were employed on the design and production of the Apollo 11 Moon landing was conveniently ignored at the time of the mission.


A Rebuttal of the “Health Food” Movement’s Errors, Lies and Killjoys

“Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man” (Matthew 15:11).
“I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing [no food] unclean of itself” (Romans 14:14). READ THIS TRACT HERE:

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The professing church of today is ignorant of the history of the True Biblical Church.
The INQUISITION has been either forgotten or "hushed up!" Why is this?
The vast majority of the "church" has swallowed the false Jesuit "Futurist" teaching, that the Antichrist is somewhere in the future. Watch the Video (link below) and do some real research on what the Pilgrim Church and the Reformers taught!

TRUMP RIGHT AGAIN: Journalist Travels To Ilhan Omar’s Homeland To Prove Somalia Is Beautiful And ‘Debunk Racial Stereotypes’ Gets Killed By Islamic Terrorists In Her Hotel

Hodan Nalayeh returned to Somalia, the place of her birth, to document the beauty and to tell “uplifting” stories, according to WaPo. On July 12, al-Shabaab terrorists stormed Asasey Hotel in Kismayo. 26 people were killed in the terrorist attack and Hodan Nalayeh, 43, and her husband were among the victims. According to a Canadian news outlet, Nalayeh was pregnant when she was killed by al-Shabaab terrorists last week. So this journalist pretty much proved Trump’s point that Ilhan Omar is ‘lucky to be here’. 
Well, Hodan Nalayeh packed her bags and traveled to Somalia, and immediately began posting beautiful photos surrounded by descriptive and enticing words about the gorgeous land of Somalia. Her articles were cut short, however, due to the fact that Islamic terrorists stormed her hotel killing her, her husband and about 41 other people. Hodan Nalayeh was pregnant at the time of her death.

Friday, July 19, 2019


On Anzac Day and V.E. Day, we do and should honour our fallen brave men and women of the Military.
These had NO weapon with which to defend themselves from the aggression of their killer.

In Bold Retaliatory Move, Iran Seizes British-Registered Oil Tanker ‘Stena Impero’ With A Crew Of 23 Onboard And Defies U.S. To Do Anything About It

The Stena Impero was passing through the bottleneck into the Persian Gulf when it turned dramatically to the north at 4pm, UK time. The vessel was surrounded by heavily-armed small craft and a helicopter and ordered to turn north. A second oil tanker, the British-operated, Liberian-flagged Mesdar, turned sharply north towards Iran's coast around the same time the Stena Impero was seized. Iranian authorities have yet to comment on the Mesdar, but marine tracking data showed it turning dramatically off course and towards the Iranian coast. The vessel had left Fujairah in Dubai and moved into the Strait of Hormuz when it was intercepted.

Iran has seized a British-registered oil tanker with 23 crew in the Strait of Hormuz. A second British-owned vessel is also feared to have been captured by Iranian forces.

As we have been telling you for some time now, tensions in the gulf are rapidly coming to a head, and that head may just well explode this weekend as the United States weighs its options in how to respond to the illegal seizure of the British-registered oil tanker the Stena Impero. President Trump called off a strike a few weeks ago, but may have no choice now but to issue a military response to the open and naked aggression of Iran.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

**We warned you about this 
   two years ago!
Pope Francis spoke of the need for secular powers to establish
global control over areas, including finance, under the pretext of "environmental disaster."

Monday, July 8, 2019

So, how would ANYONE go,  

It Is Time To Ban the Bible!

 “The Bible is a book of hate speech. It is bigoted, racist, intolerant and reactionary. It brings about division, hatred and exclusion. In our modern progressive society, we simply cannot allow this hate speech to be freely available. In the interests of a loving, harmonious and peaceful society, it must be banned now.” No one actually said that – I just wrote it now. But a lot of people are thinking exactly this way, including many of our bigwigs, opinion makers, and elites. They really do hate the Bible – because they really do hate the God of the Bible – and if some of them had their way, they certainly would have it banned. READ HERE ( FROM CULTURE WATCH)

Sunday, July 7, 2019


Vatican Getting Ready To Declare Archbishop Fulton Sheen A ‘Saint’ After Catholic Parents Of Stillborn Baby Prayed To Him And Baby Recovered

A Vatican statement on Saturday said the pope had approved a decree recognizing a miracle attributed to Sheen's intercession, meaning he will be beatified. No date for the ceremony was given. The Vatican did not identify the miracle in the Sheen case, but the Catholic News Agency reported that it was the full recovery of a baby named James Fulton Engstrom, who was stillborn in Illinois in September 2010. The baby's parents, Bonnie and Travis Engstrom of the Peoria-area town of Goodfield, prayed to Archbishop Sheen to heal their son after he showed no signs of life when medical professionals tried to revive him. 

Our Lady of Fatima – Archbishop Fulton Sheen

This is Archbishop Fulton Sheen, wearing his Catholic superhero costume replete with its religious accessories. Watch as he teaches his Bible illiterate audience all about the divinity of the Virgin Mary. You will note that Sheen constantly mentions the idols, icons and relics so important to the Catholic religion. Listen as he lies and lies about Mary, it’s astounding that this fraud can say all this with a straight face. LINK and VIDEO TO STORY HERE:

Friday, July 5, 2019


 Fake Churches Arrogantly Defying the Living God

Jul 5, 2019
When it comes to God’s intentions for human sexuality, the biblical material is pretty clear. Yet that has not stopped plenty of apostate religious leaders and fake churches from pushing the world’s anti-God agendas. Sadly, so many of them have fully jumped on board the radical homosexual and transgender agendas.
Reading about each new example of this continues to shock and sicken. All true biblical Christians are grieved and alarmed at this evil being pushed by church leaders, and even taking over entire religious bodies. Here are three more recent examples of this.
My first case comes from the US state of Maine. The headline says it all: “Newly Consecrated Gay Bishop Declares God Is A Woman”. But let me run with a bit more from the article:
The examples of this are never-ending. Of course here in Australia we have hyper-apostates like Father Rod, pushing every nutty secular left agenda item around, including the devil’s full-scale attack on human sexuality as God intended it. I have penned many articles on this false shepherd, eg: billmuehlenberg.com/2015/03/09/sham-christians-deceived-disciples-and-false-shepherds/ 

Thursday, July 4, 2019

 Church Fathers: A Door to Rome
Updated July 3, 2019 (first published June 4, 2008)
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061
Many people have walked into the Roman Catholic Church through the broad door of the “church fathers,” and this is a loud warning today when there is a widespread attraction to the “church fathers” within evangelicalism.
The Catholic apologetic ministries use the “church fathers” to prove that Rome’s doctrines go back to the earliest centuries. In the book
Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic, David Currie continually uses the church fathers to support his position. He says, “The other group of authors whom Evangelicals should read ... is the early Fathers of the Church” (p. 4).
This term refers to various church leaders of the first few centuries after the apostles whose writings have been preserved.

The only genuine “church fathers” are the apostles and prophets their writings that were given by divine inspiration and recorded in the Holy Scripture. They gave us the “faith ONCE delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). The faith they delivered is able to make us “perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We don’t need anything beyond the Bible. The teaching of the “church fathers” does not contain one jot or tittle of divine revelation.

The term “church fathers” is a misnomer that was derived from the Catholic Church’s false doctrine of hierarchical church polity. These men were not “fathers” of the church in any scriptural sense and did not have any divine authority. They were merely church leaders from various places who have left a record of their faith in writing. But the Roman Catholic Church exalted men to authority beyond the bounds designated by Scripture, making them “fathers” over the churches located within entire regions and over the churches of the whole world. READ THIS IMPORTANT ARTICLE HERE:

Tuesday, July 2, 2019



We Told You So: Everything Has Changed – For the Worse

Jul 3, 2019
Children being thrown out of the classroom for saying there are only two biological genders. Teachers losing their jobs for saying the same thing. Star athletes losing their entire careers for simply quoting from the Bible on their own time. Males claiming to be females sending female athletes to hospital.
Churches embracing what the Bible has always called sin. Public libraries using tax dollars to have young children read stories by drag queens. Christians businesses being forced to close down for refusing to submit to the militant homosexual agenda.

Monday, July 1, 2019

These stories become more sickening
as the DAY draws near!

LOVE HAS NO AGE: The Push To Normalize Pedophilia And Place It Under The LGBTQ+ Umbrella Increases With Child Love Snapchat Filters And Pedophile Performance Art

For Snapchat, the LGBTQ+ might also include pedophiles. In the campaign for “Love Has No Labels” held by Snapchat, one of the options wasa “Love Has No Age” filter. While this filter appears to be defunct as of June 3, conservatives on Twitter pointed out the option over the weekend of June 1-2. Twitter user Ashley St. Clair posted a video of herself with the “Love has No Age” filter. The filter had the options to say that love had no gender, race, or religion, as part of the mass-marketed Pride Month that infiltrates businesses and social media in June. But age did not seem to fit in the list, unless it was meant to justify pedophilia. LINK HERE:

As Pedophile Sex Scandals Rage The Vatican Says Law Enforcement Cannot Force Priests To Reveal Statements From The Confessional, Falsely Claims It Is A ‘Sacred Sacrament’

The Holy See’s Apostolic Penitentiary, a tribunal dealing with absolution and confessional matters, reiterated the secrecy obligation for clergy in a six-page document approved by the pope and made public Monday. For years now, the Catholic church has been besieged by lawsuits and other civil actions and targeted by prosecutors, including in the United States, aimed at obtaining justice for children and other victims of sex abuse by clergy and systematic cover-up by priests and bishops.

Amid sex abuse scandals, Vatican upholds confession secrecy

FROM THE AP: The Holy See’s Apostolic Penitentiary, a tribunal dealing with absolution and confessional matters, reiterated the secrecy obligation for clergy in a six-page document approved by the pope and made public Monday.
For years now, the Catholic church has been besieged by lawsuits and other civil actions and targeted by prosecutors, including in the United States, aimed at obtaining justice for children and other victims of sex abuse by clergy and systematic cover-up by many priests and bishops.