Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The People Have Spoken – And God Always Gets the Last Word

Jun 25, 2019
The masses are awaking from their slumber. They are mad, and they are not going to take it anymore. They have had a gutful of political correctness and the fascist radical left which is always overreaching and always trampling on their faith and freedom. They want the swamp drained, and they want it drained now.
And we have seen plenty of indications of this in the West of late. Just think Trump, and Brexit, and the Morrison miracle win. And now the Israel Folau case is just skyrocketing, as ordinary Australians are getting fed up with the secular left and their war on everything they value and believe in.


Saturday, June 22, 2019

1 JOHN 2: 22Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. 23Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father, (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also."

Pope Pushes For Major Theological Reforms In Catholic Schools In Order To Promote ‘Common Mission’ With Islam And Muslims

The Pope is pushing for Catholic students to be taught the lie that normative Islam is a religion of peace and so, it follows that anyone who disagrees with this lie would be deemed “intolerant”, opposed to dialogue and  pluralism. It is Islam that is intolerant, supremacist and resistant to diversity. If the Pope is genuine about dialogue, then he should be mutually calling for Islamic States and Islamic schools (beginning with Al Azhar University in Cairo) to establish and preach equal status to all disbelievers, for women, gays etc.,  and promote dialogues with unbelievers like Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists etc.

Pope Francis has issued a Chrislam call for reform within “the way theology is taught in Catholic schools, saying students must learn about dialogue with Judaism and Islam” and establish “the relationship between Catholics and Muslims as brothers, with a common mission to promote peace.” STORY HERE:

THE COMING (and present)
Religious Freedom - The Purge To Come? Social media giant Facebook announced the permanent suspension of ‘dangerous individuals’ for violating the company’s policies on hate speech and promoting violence…They’re now banning people for wrong think. Facebook…purged political and social commentators Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos among others. Now they’re coming for Christians. …Sure, the banning of…extremist sites calling for racial violence is a good thing. But outside of those types of accounts, the only other people being banned are Conservatives preaching freedom and Christians preaching Jesus Christ. So just for fun, I thought I would do a quick Facebook search to see if Liberal hate groups were still active. Sure enough, I searched and found the Liberal hate groups like ANTIFA, the Muslim Brotherhood, the racial hate promoting Black Lives Matter, New World Liberation Front, a self-explanatory group called the Communists, Anarchists and Socialists United Front, the Jew-hating Nation of Islam, and believe it not, a group with 19,000 members and created by the Islamic terror group Hamas, the list went on ad infinitum. Seems like Facebook is getting really, really, really selective with who they consider to be the ‘hate speech’ people. And they all seem to be Conservatives or Christians. Facebook…said that if anyone dared to post articles from InfoWars, that the offending person would be banned as well…Facebook has become the marketplace of the world. The Bible tells us that in the last days darkness will rise as the Antichrist takes the stage…Everything will be part of the One World global system from which there will be no dissent or debate…Dissention and individual thought will not be tolerated in the social society…but are we so intellectually anaemic that we need a social media giant to tell us what opinions we should and should not listen to? Facebook doesn’t like the truth. …George Washington…said…‘If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter’. Branding criticisms and critiques of particular ideologies or certain policies as ‘hate speech’ provides a way of silencing your political opponent while claiming the moral high ground in doing so. …Christian sermons are now ‘hate speech’. Facebook has removed a link to a sermon and temporarily suspended the individual who shared it because, apparently, some Christian doctrines violate the platform’s community standards on ‘hate speech’. The 9-minute clip was taken from a message delivered by missionary and evangelist Paul Washer in which he detailed the biblical doctrine known as Total Depravity…the state of humanity after sin entered the world (Gen.3), and how every part of man - his mind, will, emotions and flesh have been corrupted by sin… ‘Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ’ (Titus 2:13). (Geoffrey Grider May, 2019)

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Love Their Country? 

I am not aware of too many Christians who do not live in some country somewhere. Unless they permanently live in a space shuttle, they are from a country. And even that person is likely to still be a citizen of some country, and that space station would belong to some nation.
So unless they are a refugee at the moment, all Christians live in some defined nation. And this raises a number of questions about how the Christian should relate to his or her country. Is it proper for a believer to have a love of country? Can Christians be patriots? Should Christians be nationalists? Can a believer ever say, “My country, right or wrong”?
These are important questions indeed. But before proceeding, let me define two key terms. Assuming that the first online definition I found for each is reliable, we discover this:

Nationalism = “identification with one’s own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.”
Patriotism = “the quality of being patriotic; devotion to and vigorous support for one’s country.”

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Barack Obama Who Allowed The Russians To Infiltrate The American Government As He Looked The Other Way And Let It Happen

Accommodating the illicit nuclear ambitions of a Russian ally? Welcoming a Russian foothold in the Middle East? Refusing to provide arms to a sovereign country invaded by Russia? Diminishing our defenses and pursuing a Moscow-friendly policy of hostility to fossil fuels? All of these items, of course, refer to things said or done by President Barack Obama.
 Now that you know the real and actual conspirators in RussiaGate, what are you going to do about it? You can start by sharing this article all across social media, and remind America that it was Barack Obama and his minions that colluded with Russia.And it was Barack Obama who leaned over and told outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he would have “more flexibility” after his reelection. That was caught by a hot mic when Obama was unaware he was being recorded. And yet somehow, it’s Donald Trump that ‘colluded with the Russians’?

If you are able to tune in or download,
WATCH FOX NEWS, with Hannity,
Lou Dobbs, or Tucker Carlson.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

[ kon-kawr-dat ]
an agreement or compact, especially an official one.
an agreement between the pope and a secular government regarding the regulation of church matters.
Hitler's 1933 election posters boast of his alliance with the Catholic Church. This refutes the claims of Benedict XVI on his 2010 trip to Britain, that atheism helped the Nazis to power. Actually, it was his own church that filled that role. It appears that already in 1933 Hitler and the pope were conspiring to send the Germans off to war to fight their common enemy, Communism.

THE EUROPEAN UNION, is a brazen plot, to lure the
unwary, into a NEW CONCORDAT with the VATICAN.
It is part and parcel of the COUNTER REFORMATION!


Friday, June 14, 2019


Pope Francis Commands The World’s Energy Elite To The Vatican To Force World Governments To Institute A Global Climate Change Carbon Tax

In an address to energy executives at the end of a two-day meeting, Pope Francis also called for "open, transparent, science-based and standardised" reporting of climate risk and a "radical energy transition" away from carbon to save the planet. The Vatican said attendees of the closed-door meeting at its Academy of Sciences, a follow-up to one a year ago, included the CEOs of Royal Dutch Shell, Eni, BP, Repsol, Conoco Phillips, Chevron, ExxonMobil, and executives of investment funds.

Pope Francis said on Friday that carbon pricing is “essential” to stem global warming – his clearest statement yet in support of penalising polluters – and appealed to climate change deniers to listen to science.


Thursday, June 13, 2019

**Note to friends who visit this Blog: 

WE have removed our FACEBOOK Page, as we know that Zuckerberg and company, are ANTI Anyone and Anything Conservative, especially CHRISTIANS!

This Sickening Purge Of Christian And Conservative News Publishers From Social Media Is The Only Way The Liberal Left Can Win The Election In 2020

I also believe that if Saul Alinsky of “Rules for Radicals” fame were alive today, he would have added a chapter titled “Get Conservative views BANNED by major Social Media outlets. Scrub them from the Internet!!” And that is EXACTLY what is happening at this very moment.  Just yesterday “LiveAction.org” was suspended forever on Pinterest. At first Pinterest labled LiveAction as “Pornography!”  This is ludicrous – anyone who follows Lila Rose on LiveAction know that her ministry devotes itself to saving babies from being aborted. She also posts pictures and writes on the joys of parenthood. LINK TO STORY HERE:

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Rome's Mary on the Cross and on God's Throne
June 11, 2019 (first published November 15, 2007)
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061
For photos of Mary on God’s throne, Mary the Queen of Peace, Mary hanging on the cross, Mary adored by the apostles, and Mary on the ark of the covenant see the following:www.wayoflife.org/database/maryolatry.html

Hebrews 1:3

“Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;”  King James Version (KJV)
                                                                                      ARTICLE HERE:

Monday, June 10, 2019


Chinese warships pictured loaded with Australian baby formula before departure

Chinese military personnel have been spotted loading baby formula and face masks onto a warship before leaving Sydney Harbour.
Chinese military personnel were spotted unloading boxes of highly sought after Australian baby formula onto their warship the day before leaving Sydney Harbour.
The photograph, taken Thursday and exclusively first published by The Australian over the weekend, shows military staff unloading boxes of baby formula from a van, along with boxes of whitening sheet face masks and Devondale brand long life milk.
Australian brand baby formula has become a highly sought after product in China over the last ten years, after a mass milk poisoning in the region led to the injury and deaths of many babies.

Celebrating Murder – ‘Look What It Did For My Career!’

Jun 10, 2019
You know that we have come to the end of civilisation as we know it when we routinely call good evil and evil good, and celebrate and promote that which is wicked. And when the mainstream media fully gets on board, then you know things have spiralled out of control. Consider this true story cheerily being promoted in today’s media.
The headline is this: “Choosing murder is a woman’s right, I don’t regret exercising mine.” And this jarring paragraph is the main takeaway from the article:
The procedure itself was relatively painless. I pointed the gun, pulled the trigger, and that was it. When it was over, I was offered a cup of tea and a biscuit by my supporters, and then my mum took me home. Ten years later, I think about that murder with sadness, but not regret. I will never regret my decision. I have done so many things and had so many opportunities that I may not have been able to do with my husband. I have run a business, lived on four continents and am studying a Master’s degree, and I intend to keep studying. OK, so I changed just a few words – otherwise it is a perfectly true story. Here is the actual version of events as promoted and endorsed by the Sydney Morning Herald and the Melbourne Age. The real title says this: “Reproductive choice is a woman’s right, I don’t regret exercising mine.” And the actual quote is this:
The procedure itself was relatively painless. I was given a short-acting anaesthetic, that kept me awake, but unable to remember exactly what had happened. The last thing I remember is going into a surgical theatre style room, and wearing a special gown. When I woke up, I was offered a cup of tea and a biscuit, and then my mum took me home.FULL ARTICLE HERE:

Iran-linked Hizbollah 'stockpiled tons of explosives on outskirts of London in secret British bomb factory'

  • Radicals linked to Hizbollah stashed disposable ice packs filled with explosives
  • The shocking plot was uncovered by MI5 and the Metropolitan Police in 2015 
  • David Cameron and Theresa May, then PM and HS, were briefed on the findings.
  •  Terrorists linked to Iran were caught by intelligence officials stockpiling weapons near London.
Radicals linked to Hizbollah, the Lebanese militant group, stashed hoards of disposable ice packs containing ammonium nitrate, an ingredient commonly used to make home made bombs. 
The plot was uncovered by MI5 and the Metropolitan Police in 2015 but the public and MPs were kept in the dark, according to The Daily Telegraph. 
Three tonnes of the dangerous substance was found in its raw form and police eventually arrested one man on suspicion of plotting terrorism - but released him without charge.  
His identity was kept secret, as were the whole findings until now - possibly in an effort to keep the Iran nuclear deal of 2015 alive.  STORY AND VIDEO HERE:

THE FRUITS OF SOCIALISM: Democrat Run California Has Such A Bad Homeless Problem That Diseases From The Medieval Age Like Typhus Have Resurfaced And Are Causing Havoc

In a throwback to medieval times, Los Angeles is facing an infectious disease epidemic caused by flea-borne disease linked to rat-infested streets. Last October, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health issued a health alert surrounding an outbreak of flea-borne typhus in the homeless population in downtown Los Angeles. A month later, Deputy City Attorney Liz Greenwood was diagnosed with typhus, which she claims came from fleas carried by rats that are infesting City Hall and an adjacent building, City Hall East, where she worked. 

Americans don’t have to look as far as Venezuela to see the massive failure of a government incapable of delivering the basics of what people need from their government.

If you want to see what all of America will look like if we elect a Socialist candidate for president in 2020, you only need look at the once and no longer Golden State of California. Run by hardcore Leftists with Socialist policies, California right now is a disgusting slime pit, where the homeless problem has reached such epidemic proportions that rats carrying Middle Ages diseases like typhus are highest in American history. STORY HERE:

Friday, June 7, 2019


New Report Shows The Catholic Church Spent Millions Trying To Stop Legislation That Would Help Victims Of Pedophile Priests Get Justice

In August 2018, Pope Francis himself said, "The pain of the victims and their families is also our pain, and so it is urgent that we once more reaffirm our commitment to ensure the protection of minors and of vulnerable adults." However, according to the report, "CHURCH INFLUENCING STATE: How the Catholic Church Spent Millions Against Survivors of Clergy Abuse," the Catholic Church has not only continued to invest in lobbying against the interests of victims, their investments in this area have actually increased over the years. 

A new report released Tuesday reveals that, over the past eight years, the Catholic Church has spent $10.6 million in the northeastern United States to fight legislation that would help victims of pedophile priests sexual abuse seek justice.

The Vatican speaks with a slithering tongue out of both sides of their mouth, that’s one of the reasons why the Papal Auditorium is nothing but a giant reptile. When it comes to the hundreds of thousands of children who have been raped and molested by tens of thousands of pedophile Roman Catholic priests, Pope Francis is quite busy spewing words out of both sides of his filthy mouth as we see in today’s article. READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE:

Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Goal Of Hollywood And The Entire Entertainment Industry Is To Normalize Satanism And That Mission Is Now Nearly Complete

People, we are losing this battle, and maybe from a biblical point of view these things cannot be stopped. But what can be stopped is you and I being a part of it. After you watch these videos, you will see how pervasive satanism in America truly is, and shockingly, you will see how perhaps you have been a part of it because it is just so deeply ingrained in our culture by this point.
LUKE 22:53  When I was daily with you in the temple, ye stretched forth no hands against me: but this is your hour, and the power of darkness.

These videos will show you that America is firmly in the grip of the occult and satanism to a degree that you never thought possible. And it gets worse every day.

In 1988, I left my parent’s home in New Jersey and headed west to California. In A very short period of time I found work as an actor, became a stand-in and double for then-stars like Richard Gere and Matt Dillon, acting in dozens of commercials and enjoyed small roles on many of the popular shows of the day. I was a card-carrying member of SAG and AFTRA for 18 years. From what I personally saw during the 6 years I was actively involved, before the Lord called me out of it in 1994, it was not an overly wholesome place. Many crazy things were done behind closed doors. But in 2019, not only are those things now done openly, you can also see that Hollywood, the music industry, and even formerly family friendly companies like Disney are working to normalize the occult in general and satanism in particular.STORY AND EVIL VIDEOS HERE:

Wednesday, June 5, 2019


The Coming LGBTQ+ ‘Equality Act’ Will Make It Nearly Impossible To Preach The Gospel In Public Or Keep Transgenders Out Of Your Daughter’s Restroom

The Equality Act defies the purpose of anti-discrimination laws. The original Civil Rights Act was enacted to protect African-Americans from being denied access to material goods and services. The Equality Act, by contrast, would be used as a sword to attack people and force them to adopt new ideologies about human sexuality.  This extreme and dangerous legislation would create unprecedented harms to businesses, charities, medical professionals, women and children, and entire families. The writing is on the wall: The Equality Act is anything but equal.

The so-called ‘Equality Act’ is nothing more than a set up for Christians.  It is a way for the Left to say “Obey the law or go to jail.”  Very similar to what is happening to Christians all over the world. But our brethren are being killed. We are not there yet.

American Christians think that we are somehow immune from persecution. We are not. This Equality Act may not become law now, but it will one day. We will be placed in jail or re-education camps or worse. THE ACT AND CONSEQUENCES TO IT ARE HERE:

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Who is the ''QUEEN OF HEAVEN?"
  “The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.” Jeremiah 7:17 & 18

“And when we burned incense to the queen of heaven, and poured out drink offerings unto her, did we make her cakes to worship her, and pour out drink offerings unto her, without our men?”
Jeremiah 44:19
The Roman Catholic/Orthodox Mary, depicted by pictures, apparitions and stories as ''QUEEN OF HEAVEN" is NOT the Mary of the Bible, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
The Roman Catholic "Mary"  is in fact an IMPOSTER!
 Matthew 12: 46-50 
46 While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him.
47 Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee.
48 But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?
49 And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren!
50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

**Rome has made a "business" out of their "Mary." Their "Mary" has been depicted in
paintings, films, statues, apparitions et al. 
The humble handmaid of the Lord, DOES NOT SET HERSELF UP AS A QUEEN!


