THE COMING (and present)
Religious Freedom - The Purge To Come? Social media giant Facebook announced the permanent suspension of ‘dangerous individuals’ for violating the company’s policies on hate speech and promoting violence…They’re now banning people for wrong think. Facebook…purged political and social commentators Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos among others. Now they’re coming for Christians. …Sure, the banning of…extremist sites calling for racial violence is a good thing. But outside of those types of accounts, the only other people being banned are Conservatives preaching freedom and Christians preaching Jesus Christ. So just for fun, I thought I would do a quick Facebook search to see if Liberal hate groups were still active. Sure enough, I searched and found the Liberal hate groups like ANTIFA, the Muslim Brotherhood, the racial hate promoting Black Lives Matter, New World Liberation Front, a self-explanatory group called the Communists, Anarchists and Socialists United Front, the Jew-hating Nation of Islam, and believe it not, a group with 19,000 members and created by the Islamic terror group Hamas, the list went on ad infinitum. Seems like Facebook is getting really, really, really selective with who they consider to be the ‘hate speech’ people. And they all seem to be Conservatives or Christians. Facebook…said that if anyone dared to post articles from InfoWars, that the offending person would be banned as well…Facebook has become the marketplace of the world. The Bible tells us that in the last days darkness will rise as the Antichrist takes the stage…Everything will be part of the One World global system from which there will be no dissent or debate…Dissention and individual thought will not be tolerated in the social society…but are we so intellectually anaemic that we need a social media giant to tell us what opinions we should and should not listen to? Facebook doesn’t like the truth. …George Washington…said…‘If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter’. Branding criticisms and critiques of particular ideologies or certain policies as ‘hate speech’ provides a way of silencing your political opponent while claiming the moral high ground in doing so. …Christian sermons are now ‘hate speech’. Facebook has removed a link to a sermon and temporarily suspended the individual who shared it because, apparently, some Christian doctrines violate the platform’s community standards on ‘hate speech’. The 9-minute clip was taken from a message delivered by missionary and evangelist Paul Washer in which he detailed the biblical doctrine known as Total Depravity…the state of humanity after sin entered the world (Gen.3), and how every part of man - his mind, will, emotions and flesh have been corrupted by sin… ‘Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ’ (Titus 2:13). (Geoffrey Grider May, 2019)