Tuesday, April 30, 2019

How Pope Pius XII And The Vatican Helped Adolf Hitler And The Nazis To Nearly Realize Their Goal Of A ‘Final Solution’ For Europe’s Jews

A veteran envoy to Germany, Eugenio Pacelli helped the Vatican reach the concordat agreement with Berlin in 1933 that helped Hitler destroy the resistance of many German bishops and the Catholic Center Party. Throughout World War II, the Vatican refrained from condemning Nazi persecution of the Jews, even though Pius xii at times tried to help the anti-Nazi underground and supplied the Allies with intelligence. But when the Nazis rounded up the Jews of Rome in 1943, and again when they deported Hungary's Jews in 1944, the Vatican remained silent.

Long-buried Vatican files reveal a new and shocking indictment of World War II’s Pope Pius XII: that in pursuit of absolute power he helped Adolf Hitler destroy German Catholic political opposition, betrayed the Jews of Europe, and sealed a deeply cynical pact with a 20th-century devil.

Pope Pius XII, real name Eugenio Pacelli, was the pope of the Roman Catholic Church from March 2, 1039, until his death in October of 1958. He ruled from the Vatican with complete autonomy. When cardinals would need to reach him via telephone, Pacelli demanded that they speak to him on their knees, over the phone. That’s the type of pope that he was.

Sunday, April 28, 2019


 Editor’s comment: In a world of increasing terror, this is a good selection of scriptures to be read and digested. The recent atrocity in New Zealand outraged many. But little was being reported of the terror acts being repeated weekly elsewhere in the world. In the same month (March) 50 Christians were slaughtered by Muslim herders in Nigeria. Over 120 Christians and 149 homes were burned to the ground in months. The media was almost silent on that. According to the Global Terrorism Index, Fulani herdsmen have killed more than 60,000 people since 2001. Many media outlets refused to condemn these attacks or to accept that they were religiously motivated. Added to this is the almost weekly Palestinian terror attacks on Israelis. With even limited investigation, it is not hard to show that the media reports on these are often blatantly biased or silent. But there is another point raised in the above letter - what of the millions of abortions each year (over 1 million each year in the U.S.). Many who are shocked at the atrocities of terror attacks on innocent people do not see the gravity of taking millions of these lives that God created!

 2Timothy 3:1-13 ‘…in the last days perilous times shall come. Men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away…13  But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived’

The King Of Vatican City Moves Against The United States Government As Pope Francis Begins Personally Funding 6 Illegal Immigrant Caravans In Mexico

Pope Francis has just moved against the United States to assert his will on how America's borders will be operated by personally funding the caravans. No one, anywhere in the world, has the "right" to enter the borders of any sovereign nation. No one. We take in people when we can because we are a compassionate people, but entrance to the United States is not anyone's "right". So what should our response be to this obvious act of war by the Roman king of Vatican City? 

Pope Francis has donated 500,000 dollars to assist migrants in Mexico. The funds, from the Peter’s Pence collections, will be distributed among 27 projects promoted by sixteen Mexican dioceses and religious congregations, which requested assistance in continuing to provide food, lodging, and basic necessities to the migrants.

From the moment Donald Trump became president of the United States, Pope Francis has been relentlessly attacking him personally and politically regarding illegal immigration. Pope Francis believes that illegals should have free access to the United States anytime they so choose, our laws regarding immigration notwithstanding. Now it has been revealed that the Roman pope has put his money where his mouth is, and has begun funding the migrant caravans that wish to illegally gain access to America. The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Saudi Arabia Publicly Executes 37 ‘Criminals’ Under Sharia Law Including Teenager Who Sent Messages Over WhatsApp To Warn People Of Government Violence

The 37 citizens killed during  beheading bloodbath had all been convicted of terrorism offences in the hardline kingdom. It emerged one man had even been crucified. Saudi lawmakers insist the men were charged with "adopting terrorist extremist ideology, forming terrorist cells" and harming the "peace and security of society".Those executed had been involved in attacking a base killing a number of security officers, the Saudi Press Agency statement said. The slaughter of mainly minority Shiites is likely to stoke further regional and sectarian tensions between rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Since 9/11, there have been over 34,911 Islamic terror attacks, in the month of March alone there were 132 Islamic terror attacks, resulting in 729 killed, 776 injured and taking place in 23 countries. Look closely at the man being crucified in the picture at the top of the article, that’s not Jesus Christ paying for your sins. That’s a petty criminal receiving “justice” from Sharia Law. Don’t forget that.

Saudi Arabia mass execution – Lad, 16, tortured with electricity and BEHEADED just for sending WhatsApp messages about protests.



Friday, April 26, 2019

CHRISLAM RISING: French President Macron Says The Roman Catholic Notre Dame Cathedral In Paris Should Be Rebuilt With Muslim Minarets To ‘Reflect Diversity’ Of France. A minaret is a type of tower built into mosques as a visual focal point and used for the Islamic call to prayer. The architect sees fit to “memorialize Algerians who protested the French government in the 1960s” since “these victims of the state could be memorialized by replacing the spire with – why not? – a graceful minaret.” Given the obscene insensitivity displayed by Macron and others, it would come as no surprise if indeed a minaret were installed at Notre Dame, as a declaration of victory over France’s history and democracy.

With each passing day, it begins to appear more and more that the spectacular fire that engulfed the Roman Catholic Notre Dame cathedral in Paris was set intentionally. President Emmanuel Macron is now recommending the structure be rebuilt with Islamic minarets to ‘reflect the diversity’ of France. Kinda crazy, yes? Well, actuall, no. It makes perfect sense. STORY HERE:

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

MIND CONTROL: Watch As News Anchors All Across The Country Say The Same Thing And Repeat The Same Taglines Over And Over Again

This isn't the news any longer, it is agenda-driven mental programming designed to control your thought processes. How do cults sway their victims? By endlessly repeating series of short phrases and sentences over and over and over again, until your mind begins to naturally accept whatever they are telling you.


From the moment he became president, Donald Trump went from being a hero of the Left to being their enemy. Watch now as nearly every Liberal news outlet endlessly repeats the phrases “the walls are closing in”, “this is a bombshell”, “the beginning of the end”, and “this is a tipping point”. They do this as a kind of mental programming in the hopes that their listeners will begin to mimic what they see and actually start believing it, even though it is not true in any way at all. They knew there was never any Russian Collusion, but if they just keep repeating that there is perhaps they can find the president guilty in the imaginary court of public opinion and perception.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Luke 12:2

For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.


**The Clinton Cabal Inter-allied;


**Comey, Strzok, McCabe and Page Complied;

**Democrats willingly Conspired;

**The Left-wing Media Allied and Lied;

"Cardinal" Comey
In mid-2017, James Comey testified to Congress that he leaked memos of his personal conversations with President Donald Trump to “a friend,” with the intent that this friend “share the content” “with a reporter.”
Jim Comey comes off as nothing better than arrogant.
In June 2016, Comey skips around Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Yates calling a press conference to announce that Hillary Clinton and her aides had been “extremely careless,” a lesser charge than “extremely negligent”,  with classified information.


Video by Prof. Victor Davis Hanson HERE:


Sunday, April 21, 2019


          AND IN THE MORNING, 

Saturday, April 20, 2019

For Serious Consideration:
Is it -

As a former Roman Catholic, I am SO aware, that the Popish "church" HATES the Holy Bible, and has always sought to discredit and destroy the TRUTH therein.




The Destruction Of The Roman Catholic Notre Dame Cathedral In France Is An Excellent Illustration Of Revelation 18.  The Bible has a lot to say about monsters (or Gargoyles) like the ones in and around Notre Dame, and in nearly every instance in which they show up, it is almost always connected to Satan and the demons that populate the bottomless pit in the region of a place called Hell. The bible knows all about multi-headed dragons, mutant talking beasts, and zombies. But ask yourself this, what are THEY doing adorning a supposed "christian" church when they represent the Devil? 

So while the unsaved world weeps over this Roman Catholic monument, let’s take an honest look at exactly what Notre Dame is, and what it is not. 

WHAT’S IN A NAME: The term ‘Notre Dame’ is French, it means ‘our mother’ or “blessed lady”, and it refers to the Roman Catholic doctrine of worshipping Mary, the mother of the earthly Jesus. FULL ARTICLE AND PICTURES HERE:

“Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.”  REV. 18:8-24


Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Facebook Prisoner #9473782

Apr 18, 2019 
Bill Muehlenberg's commentary on issues of the day.

It seems that I am a recidivist. I appear to be a repeat offender. Evidently I am an evil person who must be locked away for the good of society. My humble thoughts are so damaging and threatening that in order to maintain the secular left status quo, I must be made an example of.
 Dissenters will be dealt with. We see this of course everywhere. The Israel Folau case is one massive example of how verboten thoughts and speech will be swiftly punished with no mercy shown. I have already penned four pieces on that sad saga. THE FULL ARTICLE A ''MUST READ'' HERE:

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

How Minneapolis' Somali community became the terrorist recruitment capital of the US.

 MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – More men and boys from a Somali American community in Minneapolis have joined – or attempted to join – a foreign terrorist organization over the last 12 years than any other jurisdiction in the country.
FBI stats show 45 Somalis left to join the ranks of either the Somalia-based Islamic insurgency al-Shabab, or the Iraq- and Syria-based ISIS combined. And as of 2018, a dozen more had been arrested with the intention of leaving to support ISIS. Both numbers are far higher than those of alleged terrorist wannabes who left or attempted to leave the country from other areas in the country where Muslim refugees have been resettled.VIDEO AND STORY HERE:

'Islamization' of Paris a Warning to the West


France's Islamic Future?
If France faces an Islamic future, a Russian author has already written about it. The novel is called "The Mosque of Notre Dame, 2048," a bestseller in Russia, not in France.
French publisher Jean Robin said the French media ignored the book because it was politically incorrect. The book lays out a dark future when France has become a Muslim nation, and the famous cathedral has been turned into a mosque. STORY AND SHORT VIDEO HERE:

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Professor Pleads for Phoenix to Become “Sanctuary City” for Unborn Babies

 In liberal parts of the country, sanctuary cities protect illegal immigrants from being detained, prosecuted, and deported by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, ICE. Sadly, these places of refuge for illegals have protected violent criminals who have been allowed to further perpetrate unspeakable tragedies. Now, apologist and renowned theologian Dr. James White is pleading for Phoenix to become a sanctuary city. But, rather than harboring those who have committed crimes, White wants to protect the most vulnerable among Americans — unborn babies. STORY HERE:

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Planned Parenthood supporter calls dismemberment abortions ‘humane’ during congressional hearing. 




This morning, the Congressional Judiciary Committee conducted its first hearing on the investigation of Planned Parenthood.
Titled “Planned Parenthood Exposed: Examining the Horrific Abortion Practices at the Nation’s Largest Abortion Provider,” this first hearing included four witnesses, one of which was Ms. Priscilla Smith, a Director and Senior Fellow at the Program for the Study of Reproductive Justice at Yale Law School. Her comments before the committee were truly horrifying.
During the questioning period, Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte read from Justice Kennedy’s dissent in the U.S. Supreme Court Stenberg v. Carhart decision. Kennedy had quoted the testimony of Dr. Leroy Carhart, a famed and brutal late-term abortionist.
Carhart testified that he had personally “observed fetal heartbeat” on an ultrasound screen, even after substantial portions of the baby had been dismembered and pulled apart. This type of abortion is known as a D&E abortion, or a “dismemberment abortion,” as the baby is literally torn and ripped apart, limb from torso. LINK TO STORY HERE:    ANOTHER HERE: 

                                                    AND ANOTHER HERE:

PAIN CAPABLE: As The Senate Debates Banning Abortions After 20 Weeks, Maybe You Should See What A Baby At That Stage Looks Like

Right now, as you are reading this, abortion is being debated in the US Senate under the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. This is a bill to ban late-term abortions nationwide after 20 weeks post-fertilization on the basis that the fetus is capable of feeling pain during an abortion at and after that point of pregnancy.

The baby girl weighed less than a pound when she was born just 21 weeks into Courtney Stensrud’s pregnancy. Infants that tiny and undeveloped aren’t expected to survive outside the womb, but her mother insisted that she be resuscitated. Lyla — who is now 4 — appears to have made medical history.

Right now, as you are reading this, abortion is being debated in the US Senate under the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. This is a bill to ban late-term abortions nationwide after 20 weeks post-fertilization on the basis that the fetus is capable of feeling pain during an abortion at and after that point of pregnancy.

Proverbs 6:16-19  (KJV)

16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.


Saturday, April 6, 2019


Pope Francis Appoints Pro-Gay Archbishop Wilton Gregory To Oversee Transition Of The Catholic Church In Welcoming LGBTQP Members

The Vatican under Antichrist will finally be the true One World Religion she has always sought to be, and Satan will imbue her with mind-boggling power. But her end will come in one hour at the Battle of Armageddon at the Second Coming. Jesus Christ Himself will lead the charge to the destruction of the Vatican and the Catholic church. In the meantime, please enjoy this story of Pope Francis appointing a pro-gay bishop to help the Catholic church join with the global LGBTQ+P for pedophile community.  Currently, the Catholic church is plagued with incessant in-fighting, relentless pedophile sex scandals, and a whole host of other pressing issues. But Catholics take heart, the “glory days” are about to return the the Vatican. What do I mean by that? Well, the bible tells us that during the time of Jacob’s trouble, the Catholic Church will reclaim her former glory and power of ruling the world from Rome. Revelation 17 and 18 shows us the Vatican as the Whore of Babylon, and she appears to be unstoppable. But she will be stopped, and by the very One she claims to follow.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

by Shaun Willcock.
**Click on link to read.

New Article:
Vindicated: Vatican Insider who Accused Francis I of a Cover-Up
by Shaun Willcock

Dear friends

Some six months ago in September 2018, I wrote an article entitled Top-Ranking Vatican Insider Accuses Francis I of a Cover-Up, about the allegations made by retired Popish archbishop, Carlo Maria Viganò, against his pope, Francis I.  He released an open letter alleging that Francis had known, at least five years before, about the sexual molestation of seminarians by a former cardinal, Theodore McCarrick, yet Francis had done nothing about it.  Viganò actually took the astounding step of urging Francis to resign

His open letter threw the Vatican into a major crisis, with pro-Francis prelates scrambling wildly to contain the damage as the ripples spread out across the globe. 

But it turns out that Viganò was right all along – and has now been vindicated.

What early Protestants had to say about the 70th Week of Daniel

Daniel 9:24-27 is the famous “Seventy weeks” prophecy of the Book of Daniel. Most contemporary theologians and Bible scholars agree that verses 24 to 26 are talking about the Messiah, Jesus Christ, but they say the final “week” or seven years has not happened yet but will be the last seven years just before the return of Christ. They also say that the “he” of verse 27 is the future Antichrist and the “covenant with many for one week” is some kind of religious pact or treaty that the Antichrist will make with the Jews which will permit the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon so that the Antichrist will set up the Abomination of Desolation inside it and proclaim himself to be God. Would you consider that a fair assessment of current fundamentalist eschatology? It sure now seems to me reading all that into Daniel 9:27 is pure speculation!
And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. — Daniel 9:27 KVJ
The fact is, most Protestant leaders up to sometime in the 19th century did not hold the view that Daniel 9:27 will be fulfilled by a future Antichrist, but that it was already fulfilled by Jesus Christ! The “covenant with many” is the new covenant of grace, and the 7 years is the time from when Jesus started His ministry till the time Stephen was stoned by the Pharisees. Don’t believe it? Please read what the Protestant Reformers had to say about it: CONTINUE READING HERE:

Monday, April 1, 2019

Hmmm! The Pope says that "Christians (he means Roman Catholics) and Muslims
worship the same god!" Well, YES, they do!
Both worship a false god: ROMANISTS bow down to a WAFER god and ISLAM worships the MOON god. 

  By Mike Gendron. 

The growing trend in the 21st century church is to suppress doctrinal differences for the sake of unity. Many are saying that we should avoid doctrine because it is divisive. Instead, we supposedly need to focus on just loving Jesus and seek unity with all Christians; but which Jesus? Paul warned that some would come and preach "another Jesus" (2 Cor. 11:4). How can we love the true Jesus without truth? The only way is to be sanctified, or set apart, by the truth of His Word (John 17:17). Sanctified believers, who love Jesus as He is gloriously revealed in Scripture, can never have biblical unity with the cults and world religions who love "another Jesus." 

Those who say that love is more important than truth will point to the words of Paul. He wrote, concerning faith, hope and love, that the greatest of these is love (1 Cor. 13:13). They say that should settle it. Love is greatest. But Paul also wrote, in the same chapter, that love rejoices with the truth (1 Cor. 13: 6). In these days of great deception, relying on love without truth can be fatal. We must love God with all of our mind, which means discerning the true Christ from the many false christs (Matt. 22:37). Love must be the servant of truth because true love loves truth! Those who fail to love the truth are in danger of perishing (2 Thess. 2:10).

Our only protection from deception is to know the truth. Love, by itself, has no defense against false teaching and deception. We must love the truth and hate what is false (Psalm 119:128). Truth gains nothing by being mixed with falsehood, but falsehood gains everything by being mixed with truth. Without the true and pure knowledge of Jesus Christ and His Word, people can easily be led astray to love "another Jesus". 
  • Mormons say Jesus is a god but not the eternal God 
  • Jehovah Witnesses say He is savior but not the eternal God
  • Some "Christians" claim Jesus as Savior but not as Lord
  • Muslims say He is a prophet but not God 
  • Catholics and Orthodox deny Jesus is the all-sufficient Savior who finished the work of redemption
  • All of these religions and cults reject Jesus as the only mediator between God and man
Those who love and worship a counterfeit Jesus (such as the Catholic Eucharist) are committing the same sin as the Israelites who worshipped God in the form of a golden calf. God displayed His righteous anger by putting 3000 to death for committing the fatal sin of idolatry (Exodus 32:28-35). We must love God by walking according to His commandments (2 John 1:6). True worshippers will worship God in truth (John 4:23). Our love of God must never compromise the Word of God, which is forever settled in heaven. 

Our love for the Lord Jesus will motivate us to be faithful to His Great Commission. We must lovingly confront those who are embracing another Jesus. When we truly love people, we will do what is best for them in the light of eternity. It starts with speaking the truth in love (Eph. 4:15). To love someone in light of eternity is to share the truth of God's Word, which will set them free from the bondage of deception (John 8:31-32). May our abiding love for the Savior compel us to be ministers of reconciliation by sharing the glorious truth of His Gospel (2 Cor. 5:14-21).