**Modern "Bibles" have added and subtracted from the WORD of GOD.
**Revelation 22:18 & 19.
Friday, February 23, 2018
Thursday, February 22, 2018
The World Mourns As Friend Of The Roman Catholic Church Pastor Billy Graham Dies In His Home At Age 99
Did you know that Billy Graham believed and taught that you could be saved and not know it? That the Body of Christ will include non-Christians from other religions as well as pagans? How about the time he told Larry King on CNN that he feels absolutely comfortable worshipping in a Mormon church? Now before you go and stroke out over what I’m telling you, take a moment to watch the video below and hear all of that and more from Billy’s own lips, at a time when he was still well in possession of all his mental faculties.
STORY and Video link HERE:
Monday, February 19, 2018
Sunday, February 18, 2018
It is well known, that anyone involved in a cult, has a "Three (un-) wise monkey syndrome!" (Don't want to see, don't want to hear, don't want to talk!) I could add another one: DON'T WANT TO READ anything not produced by the CULT!
The Christian Fellowship denomination believes God has just one true Church in every town and city to which he is calling all Christians. Only those who join themselves to this true Church will be made perfect, as Christ himself, before Christ comes again.
They said elders, including leader Victor Hall, made all members’ decisions and drove wedges between couples, siblings and parents and children to create fear and control followers.
Followers are banished if they disobey directions. This is well documented!
The church is linked to others worldwide, including the Melbourne Christian Fellowship, and has been operating under several different names in Australian since the 1950sThis makes them a little harder to trace!
Abusive Church; Cult of Christianity
The Brisbane Christian Fellowship (sometimes known as BCF), and other related “Christian Fellowships” e.g. Stanthorpe Christian Fellowship, Sydney Christian Fellowship, Westlakes Christian Fellowship, S.A. (interesting how they keep changing names!) Melbourne Christian Fellowship are a Christian sect. They have teachings which run counter to the clear teaching of the Word of God. They believe the only alternative to death for those who do not join with them in their doctrines and practices is to “deny the Lord”.The Christian Fellowship denomination believes God has just one true Church in every town and city to which he is calling all Christians. Only those who join themselves to this true Church will be made perfect, as Christ himself, before Christ comes again.
They said elders, including leader Victor Hall, made all members’ decisions and drove wedges between couples, siblings and parents and children to create fear and control followers.
Followers are banished if they disobey directions. This is well documented!
The church is linked to others worldwide, including the Melbourne Christian Fellowship, and has been operating under several different names in Australian since the 1950sThis makes them a little harder to trace!
** I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ died in vain. Gal 2:21
Friday, February 16, 2018
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‘I Mean to Take as Many of Them Down as I Can’: Muslim Teen Planned ‘Maximum Fire’ Terror Attack
A Muslim man who was part of a group seeking to “kill as many unbelievers as they can and impose Sharia law” used the Boston Marathon terror attack as his model, an Australian court has heard.
The claim was made during sentencing proceedings for Tamim Khaja, 20, who pleaded guilty in October to planning and preparing a terrorist attack two years ago.The then 18-year-old was arrested while readying for a massacre, either at the U.S. embassy in Sydney, an Army barracks or at a court complex. It’s alleged Khaja is close to imprisoned Islamic extremists Milad bin Ahmad-Shah al-Ahmadzai and his brother, Maywand Osman, who are also in custody on terrorism offences. FULL STORY HERE:
Thursday, February 15, 2018
The following article
is sickening! The "west" has opened the floodgates to evil "cultures."
The "left" says that ''ALL CULTURES ARE EQUAL!" Really?
is sickening! The "west" has opened the floodgates to evil "cultures."
The "left" says that ''ALL CULTURES ARE EQUAL!" Really?
Italian Criminologist Says Ruthless Nigerian Mafia Is ‘Colonizing Italy’
by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.15 Feb 2018315
The recent murder and dismemberment of a teenage Italian girl is clearly the work of the Nigerian mafia, says a leading Italian criminologist, which has recently reached Italy and is quickly expanding.
“The Nigerian Mafia, the most ruthless mafia in the world, killed Pamela [Mastropietro]. Its sects are colonizing Italy and stealing business from the traditional mafia families,” said Alessandro Meluzzi, a prominent criminologist, surgeon and psychiatrist in a television interview this week.FULL ARTICLE HERE:
When Did Graham's Compromise Begin?
Updated February 15, 2018 (first published December 5, 2013)
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061
866-295-4143, fbns@wayoflife.org
866-295-4143, fbns@wayoflife.org
When Sheen died in December 1979, Graham testified that he had "known him as a friend for over 35 years" (Religious News Service, Dec. 11, 1979). Sheen was a faithful son of Rome. In his book Treasure in Clay, Sheen said that one of his spiritual secrets was to offer Mass every Saturday "in honor of the Blessed Mother to solicit her protection of my priesthood." Sheen devoted an entire chapter of his biography to Mary, "The Woman I Love." He said, "When I was ordained, I took a resolution to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Eucharist every Saturday to the Blessed Mother ... All this makes me very certain that when I go before the Judgment Seat of Christ, He will say to me in His Mercy: ‘I heard My Mother speak of you.’ During my life I have made about thirty pilgrimages to the shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes and about ten to her shrine in Fatima" (Fulton Sheen, Treasure in Clay, p. 317).
Monday, February 12, 2018
OF EVOLUTION. (We all crawled
out of the slime!)
OF EVOLUTION. (We all crawled
out of the slime!)
First it was humanzees, now it’s HURILLAS and HUMANGUTANS – top scientist who claims human-chimp hybrids were born in Florida says we could soon crossbreed with all great apes
Gorgon Gallup claimed a human-chimpanzee hybrid was born in Florida lab 100 years ago - but doctors killed it
By Mark Hodge
30th January 2018, 3:01 pm
Updated: 30th January 2018, 4:13 pm
TOP evolutionary psychologist believes humans could soon crossbreed
with all great apes to create hybrid "hurillas" and "hurangs".
Gorgon Gallup's bombshell claim comes after he alluded to a
human-chimpanzee hybrid born in a Florida lab 100 years ago, before
doctors killed the "humanzee".STORY HERE:
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
The Divine Design of Wheat
February 7, 2014
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061
866-295-4143, fbns@wayoflife.org
866-295-4143, fbns@wayoflife.org

Bible says that man was made by God and placed in a world that was
designed for his well-being, and the evidence for this is on every hand.
Consider wheat. It has been cultivated from ancient times. It is mentioned in the writings of Ur of the Chaldees, Abraham’s hometown. Ur’s farmers grew corn, barley, wheat, millet, lentils, chick-peas, beans, garlic, onions, lettuce, turnips, cress, leeks, mustard, and cucumbers, among other things. Sesame was grown to produce oil. Their farming techniques were methodical and complex. There was a farmer’s almanac that provided information on weather, irrigation, annual flooding, and guidelines for planting and harvesting. There was information on crop rotation and letting the land lie fallow for specific periods. There was information on the ideal number of times to water the crops. For corn, there was to be a final application shortly before harvest to fatten up the ears (Harriet Crawford, Sumer and the Sumerians, p. 55). Planting began with a double plowing of the field, followed by a harrowing, raking, and pulverizing process. They had plows with seeder attachments, so that they could plow and sow simultaneously, the depth of seeding being precisely measured. The seeder plow was operated by three men, one handling the plow, one leading the oxen, and one operating the seeder.
Today wheat is grown on every continent and is the world’s most harvested crop. World trade in wheat is larger than all other crops combined. In 2016, 27 billion bushels of wheat were grown worldwide. “If you put all that wheat in school buses and lined them up end to end, they would wrap around the Earth’s equator almost 10 times!” One state in America, Kansas, grows enough wheat annually to bake 36 billion loaves of bread.
There are six basic types of wheat, but cross-breeding has produced 30,000 varieties.
Wheat can be grown from sea level up to about 12,000 feet.
There are two general types of wheat: spring and winter. Spring wheat is planted in the spring and harvested in summer, and winter wheat is planted in the fall and harvested in the spring.
God’s Word uses wheat to illustrate the blessing of Christ’s kingdom.
“And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the fats shall overflow with wine and oil” (Joel 2:24).
The Hebrew word for wheat here is “bar,” which is a general word for grain that is winnowed. The normal Hebrew word for wheat is “chittah” and for barley is “sehorah.”
One stalk of wheat typically produces 50 kernels or seeds, thus multiplying itself 50 times in one generation.
One bushel of wheat (60 pounds) contains approximately one million individual kernels.
To plant an acre of wheat requires 40 pounds of seed, which produces about 3600 pounds (60 bushels).
One bushel of wheat produces about 90 one-pound loaves of whole wheat bread, 42 pounds of pasta (about 210 servings of spaghetti), or 45 boxes of wheat flake cereal. One semi-truck load of wheat produces about 42,000 loaves of bread. A family of four could live 10 years from the bread produced by one acre of wheat.
The kernel of the wheat consists of three parts: bran (outer layer, about 14% of the kernel), endosperm (nutritive matter used for development of the embryo, 83% of the kernel), and germ (embryo, about 2.5% of the kernel). Whole wheat flour is made by grinding whole kernels. White flour is made by grinding only the endosperm and thus contains less minerals, vitamins, and fibers. The germ is usually separated because it contains fat that “limits the ability of flours to keep for a longer period of time.”
More foods are made from wheat than any other cereal grain. It is used for bread, pasta, cookies, cakes, breakfast cereals, and fermented beverages.
Many other things are made from wheat, including paper, plastic, furniture, hair conditioners, glue, textiles, lotions, medical swabs, and charcoal. Ethanol produced from wheat is used as a bio-fuel.
“O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches” (Psalm 104:24).
Consider wheat. It has been cultivated from ancient times. It is mentioned in the writings of Ur of the Chaldees, Abraham’s hometown. Ur’s farmers grew corn, barley, wheat, millet, lentils, chick-peas, beans, garlic, onions, lettuce, turnips, cress, leeks, mustard, and cucumbers, among other things. Sesame was grown to produce oil. Their farming techniques were methodical and complex. There was a farmer’s almanac that provided information on weather, irrigation, annual flooding, and guidelines for planting and harvesting. There was information on crop rotation and letting the land lie fallow for specific periods. There was information on the ideal number of times to water the crops. For corn, there was to be a final application shortly before harvest to fatten up the ears (Harriet Crawford, Sumer and the Sumerians, p. 55). Planting began with a double plowing of the field, followed by a harrowing, raking, and pulverizing process. They had plows with seeder attachments, so that they could plow and sow simultaneously, the depth of seeding being precisely measured. The seeder plow was operated by three men, one handling the plow, one leading the oxen, and one operating the seeder.
Today wheat is grown on every continent and is the world’s most harvested crop. World trade in wheat is larger than all other crops combined. In 2016, 27 billion bushels of wheat were grown worldwide. “If you put all that wheat in school buses and lined them up end to end, they would wrap around the Earth’s equator almost 10 times!” One state in America, Kansas, grows enough wheat annually to bake 36 billion loaves of bread.
There are six basic types of wheat, but cross-breeding has produced 30,000 varieties.
Wheat can be grown from sea level up to about 12,000 feet.
There are two general types of wheat: spring and winter. Spring wheat is planted in the spring and harvested in summer, and winter wheat is planted in the fall and harvested in the spring.
God’s Word uses wheat to illustrate the blessing of Christ’s kingdom.
“And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the fats shall overflow with wine and oil” (Joel 2:24).
The Hebrew word for wheat here is “bar,” which is a general word for grain that is winnowed. The normal Hebrew word for wheat is “chittah” and for barley is “sehorah.”
One stalk of wheat typically produces 50 kernels or seeds, thus multiplying itself 50 times in one generation.
One bushel of wheat (60 pounds) contains approximately one million individual kernels.
To plant an acre of wheat requires 40 pounds of seed, which produces about 3600 pounds (60 bushels).
One bushel of wheat produces about 90 one-pound loaves of whole wheat bread, 42 pounds of pasta (about 210 servings of spaghetti), or 45 boxes of wheat flake cereal. One semi-truck load of wheat produces about 42,000 loaves of bread. A family of four could live 10 years from the bread produced by one acre of wheat.
The kernel of the wheat consists of three parts: bran (outer layer, about 14% of the kernel), endosperm (nutritive matter used for development of the embryo, 83% of the kernel), and germ (embryo, about 2.5% of the kernel). Whole wheat flour is made by grinding whole kernels. White flour is made by grinding only the endosperm and thus contains less minerals, vitamins, and fibers. The germ is usually separated because it contains fat that “limits the ability of flours to keep for a longer period of time.”
More foods are made from wheat than any other cereal grain. It is used for bread, pasta, cookies, cakes, breakfast cereals, and fermented beverages.
Many other things are made from wheat, including paper, plastic, furniture, hair conditioners, glue, textiles, lotions, medical swabs, and charcoal. Ethanol produced from wheat is used as a bio-fuel.
“O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches” (Psalm 104:24).
Monday, February 5, 2018
Dr. David Woods' Videos about
ISLAM, (THE TRUTH!) Be sure to watch
these important videos!
HERE: HERE: and many others.
ISLAM, (THE TRUTH!) Be sure to watch
these important videos!
HERE: HERE: and many others.
The Barros affair first caused shockwaves in January 2015 when Pope
Francis appointed him bishop of Osorno, Chile, over the objections of
the leadership of Chile's bishops' conference and many local priests and
laity. They accepted as credible the testimony against Karadima, a
prominent Chilean cleric who was sanctioned by the Vatican in 2011 for
abusing minors. Barros was a Karadima protege, and according to Cruz and
other victims, he witnessed the abuse and did nothing.
Pope Francis Caught Lying About Catholic Church Sexual Abuse By Priests In Chile, Covered It Up
Pope Francis received a victim’s letter in 2015 that graphically detailed how a priest sexually abused him and how other Chilean clergy ignored it, contradicting the pope’s recent insistence that no victims had come forward to denounce the cover-up, the letter’s author and members of Francis’ own sex- abuse commission have told The Associated Press.
Saturday, February 3, 2018
We see the evidence all around us.
Be encouraged, and listen to this beautiful "Illustrated HYMN." HERE:
We see the evidence all around us.
Be encouraged, and listen to this beautiful "Illustrated HYMN." HERE:
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