Tuesday, October 31, 2017

500 Years Later, The Papacy Is Still Antichrist

By Richard Bennett and Stuart Quint
Even as many observe the 500th anniversary of the great Reformation, still many religious leaders unite in putting asunder the truths of God's Word that shaped Western civilization. Two important truths that emerged from the Reformation proclaim that justification is by faith alone and that the Roman Catholic Papacy is the Antichrist of Biblical prophesy. In this article Richard Bennett and Stuart Quint clearly identify this “Man of Sin” and make a call for Biblical Protest.

The propaganda machine of the Roman Catholic Church is ramping up in 2017. Rome continues to execute its grand strategy geared toward ignorant evangelicals defined at Vatican Council II over 50 years ago:
“…little by little, as the obstacles to perfect ecclesial communion are overcome, all Christians will be gathered in a common celebration of the Eucharist…”[1]    Pope Francis has continued to minimize the differences between Rome and those who believe the Bible.[2] Some evangelicals have fallen in line with the Pope.[3]   The truth is that the reasons for those loyal to the Gospel of Christ to protest now remain just as valid today as they were 500 years ago. One major area of dispute is the insatiable ambitions and claims of the Pope of Rome.CONTINUED HERE:

Eight Dead After Truck Driver Runs Down Pedestrians in NYC
Multiple officials have identified the alleged truck driver who mowed down pedestrians Tuesday in lower Manhattan, killing eight and injuring about a dozen more, as 29-year-old Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov. 

Officials are calling the incident “an act of terror.” ARTICLE HERE:
.....And, the REAL WITCH gets a free pass!

A Pamphlet by Shaun Willcock:


Dear friends

What does it mean, this term ‘Protestant’?
I am not a Protestant merely because I am not Roman Catholic.  Nor am I a Protestant because I am in agreement with all others who call themselves Protestants; for I am not.  I am a Protestant because I, as a Christian, protest against Rome (and indeed against all false religion) on biblical grounds.  Only in this narrow sense, am I a Protestant (I am not using the term in a historical sense, but in a biblical sense).

There are multitudes of people who are historical Protestants.  They merely belong to institutions which reject the authority of the Papacy, etc. (although they are not protesting against Roman Catholicism – the Protestant denominations, by and large, ceased to protest a long time ago).  True believers, however, are biblical Protestants.  They oppose Roman Catholicism, and all false religion, with the Word of the living God, and will do so unto death.  Multitudes of historical Protestants are not Christians.  But all true Christians are biblical Protestants!

The Roman Catholic religion is the religion of Antichrist.  It dares to claim that it is Christian, and has deceived multitudes, who have consequently died as lost souls.  Against this vile, wicked institution, I protest!  I contend for the true, biblical faith against it!  I defend the true faith against it!  I affirm the true Gospel and oppose the false one!  For these reasons, I call myself a Protestant.

This pamphlet is available for free on our website.  Simply go to the following link, then scroll down until you find the pamphlet: : http://www.biblebasedministries.co.uk/pamphlets/4/
You may read it online, or download and print it.


Monday, October 30, 2017

Pope Praises ‘Religions for Peace’

You Provide a Valuable Service to Both Religion and Peace

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Halloween- Satan's TRICK, with
                     NO TREAT! 

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?


  2 Corinthians, 6: 14 and 17.

"In the A.D. 800's the (Roman Catholic) church established All Saints Day on November 1 so that the people could continue a festival they had celebrated before becoming Christians. The mass that was said on this day was called Allhallowmas. The evening before became known as All Hallow e'ven or HALLOWEEN…. It means hallowed or holy evening." QUOTES AND FULL ARTICLE HERE:


William Tyndale

William Tyndale (ca. 1495-1536) was the greatest of all English biblical scholars. His translation of the Bible into English formed the major part of the Authorized Version, or King James Bible.
William Tyndale was born in Gloucestershire and mostly educated at Oxford, where he earned a master of arts degree in 1515. He became a priest and, doubtless influenced among other things by the work of John Colet and Erasmus at Cambridge some years earlier, decided to produce an English translation of the Bible. He found support from a rich London cloth merchant. Within months, however, he became convinced he must leave London if he was to succeed; and, accordingly, with the financial support of the merchant, he left England in 1524, never again to return.


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Drawing Aside the PURPLE CURTAIN-
The Papal System Today.
                             on the way to Rome.
                                                By Shaun Willcock. 
 The remnant of the Lord’s people, true Bible-believing Christians who live “without [outside] the camp” of professing Christendom, whether Papist or false Protestant (Heb. 13:13), separate not only from the Mother Harlot of Rome but from her “daughter” harlots as well (Rev. 17:5), are witnesses to the most momentous religious reversal in all history: the headlong rush, by the “Protestant” institutions which came into being in the sixteenth century and afterwards, to now apologise to Rome for ever breaking away, and to grovel at the feet of the Roman Antichrist, while they cast off every doctrinal and practical barrier standing between them and full and abject surrender to the religious system over which he presides in all his haughtiness and arrogance. FULL ARTICLE AND OTHERS HERE:

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

What the Roman Catholic Church Teaches About Salvation
Updated October 18, 2017 (first published July 9, 2008)
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061
Because of the ecumenical movement, a growing number of Roman Catholics are familiar with biblical terminology about salvation, such as born again, and some have been trained to reply affirmatively to the questions, “Are you saved?” or, “Have you been born again?”
The problem is that they do not mean by this what the Bible means. Rome’s doctrine of salvation is not the the true gospel of complete and sure salvation through personal faith in Christ. It is a gospel of works that is sometimes presented under the guise of grace.
1. Rome teaches that Christ, having purchased redemption by His blood and death, delivered it to the Catholic Church to be distributed to men through her sacraments. Rome’s gospel centers in the Catholic Church, the pope, the priesthood, and the sacraments. While Catholicism teaches that Christ died on the cross to purchase man’s salvation, it is not satisfied simply to invite men to receive this salvation by faith directly from the resurrected Christ.

Consider the following quotes from the Vatican II Council:

For ‘God’s only-begotten Son ... has won a treasure for the militant Church ... he has entrusted it to blessed Peter, the key-bearer of heaven, and to his successors who are Christ’s vicars on earth, SO THAT THEY MAY DISTRIBUTE IT TO THE FAITHFUL FOR THEIR SALVATION. They may apply it with mercy for reasonable causes to all who have repented for and have confessed their sins. At times they may remit completely, and at other times only partially, the temporal punishment due to sin in a general as well as in special ways (insofar as they judge it to be fitting in the sight of the Lord). The merits of the Blessed Mother of God and of all the elect ... are known to add further to this treasury’” (ellipsis are in the original) (Vatican II Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Apostolic Constitution on the Revision of Indulgences, Chap. 4, 7, p. 80). 
#RefoThursday - Your weekly throwback to the Reformation!


"Pray God in the bowels of his mercy to send you his Holy Spirit; for he hath given his great gift or utterance, if it pleased him also to open the eyes of your heart."

- Lady Jane Grey
Preparing Lady Jane Grey for Execution, by George Whiting Flagg.
I would’ve liked to know Lady Jane and her intense love for scripture. While I bow over my Bible daily, my faith has never been tested in the ways Lady Jane’s was.  
Lady Jane Grey was beheaded by royal decree for high treason against Mary I of England on February 12th, 1554. She had been the Protestant Queen of England for nine days.   Read More ...

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

‘One of the most trans-friendly environments available in Australia’ ... RAAF Group Captain Cate McGregor with Prime Minister Tony Abbott. 
"gender identity" treatment for transitioning troops,
(this was up until 2015!) The present figure is 
circa $1,000,000! Yep -YOUR TAX DOLLARS!
 Australian Defence Force spends $640,000 on gender identity treatment for transitioning troops
TAXPAYERS spent $648,000 over 30 months for sex change and breast enhancement procedures for serving members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF).
This included 13 cases of gender dysphoria (gender identity disorder) including 10 from male to female and 15 breast enhancements between November 2012 and April this year.
The bill does not include pharmaceuticals issued by Defence. READ THE REST HERE:

Monday, October 16, 2017

THEIR LIVES'' but gave them, so that God's Word
could be taught and read in our own tongue. 
Watch this Video, by ADULLAM FILMS, so that you will
know the "Untold History" of our Bible, and those who
hazarded their lives, against evil forces, spies and assassins to give us our DIVINE BOOK! VIDEO HERE:

Thursday, October 12, 2017

there are many untold, forgotten or hidden
stories about much of the suffering,
during the two World Wars.
The following story about Vivian Bullwinkle, and her miraculous survival on BANGKA ISLAND, is just one of them.
Sister Vivian Bullwinkle.

NURSE VIVIAN BULLWINKLE'S survivor guilt gnawed at her brain and heart even more than the Japanese bullet that shot right through her body.
How does one dress such an invisible wound? Where is the bandage that can bind a broken heart?
Where is the key that will lock away memories and tame the unwelcome and haunting flashbacks of the horrors she witnessed and experienced?
How can one unsee such inhumanity. How can the brain unthink it?
I've seen that look in Vivian Bullwinkel's eyes mirrored in the eyes of other survivors of man-made and natural catastrophes — Holocaust survivors, survivors of famine, car crashes, sexual abuse, bushfires, bombings, veterans, whistleblowers, bank victims, refugees and more.

‘Da Vinci Code’ Author Dan Brown Says Collective Consciousness Will Replace The Need For God

Turning to the future, Brown said technological change and the development of artificial intelligence would transform the concept of the divine. "We will start to find our spiritual experiences through our interconnections with each other," he said, forecasting the emergence of "some form of global consciousness that we perceive and that becomes our divine". "Our need for that exterior god, that sits up there and judges us ... will diminish and eventually disappear.

Humanity no longer needs God but may with the help of artificial intelligence develop a new form of collective consciousness that fulfils the role of religion, U.S. author Dan Brown said on Thursday.

"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to  corruptible man, and to birds and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things."  Romans 1:22,23 (KJV) STORY AND VIDEO HERE:

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Irene Melville Drummond

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Irene Melville Drummond (1905-1942) was a nurse in the Australian Regular Army who was killed in the Banka Island massacre.[1] She joined the Australian Regular Army in 1940.[1] She was called up for full-time duty with the 2nd/4th Casualty Clearing Station in January 1941, and in February of that year she went to Singapore to join the 2nd/9th Field Ambulance.[2] She was promoted to army matron on August 5 and posted to the 2nd/13th Australian General Hospital in September 1941.[2] In January 1942 the hospital she worked at was moved to St Patrick's School, Singapore, due to the Japanese invasion of Malaya.[2] On 12 February 1942 the Sarawak royal yacht Vyner Brooke left Singapore just before the city fell to the Imperial Japanese Army. The ship carried many injured service personnel and 65 nurses of the Australian Army Nursing Service from the 2/13th Australian General Hospital (including Drummond), as well as civilian men, women and children.[3] The ship was bombed by Japanese aircraft and sank.[3][2]
Drummond escaped the ship in a lifeboat and came ashore at Radji Beach, Banka Island.[2] Also on the island were 21 other nurses and 20 British servicemen from another ship that had sunk.[2] Once it was discovered that the island was held by the Japanese, an officer of the Vyner Brooke went to surrender the group to the authorities in Muntok.[3] While he was away Drummond suggested that the civilian women and children should leave for Muntok, which they did.[2] At mid-morning the ship’s officer returned with about 20 Japanese soldiers. They ordered all the wounded men capable of walking to travel around a headland. The nurses heard a quick succession of shots before the Japanese soldiers came back, sat down in front of the women and cleaned their bayonets and rifles.[3] A Japanese officer ordered the remaining 22 nurses and one civilian woman to walk into the surf.[3] As they marched into water, Irene - who was the matron of the group - told the women "chin up girls, I'm proud of you and I love you all." A machine gun was set up on the beach and when the women were waist deep, they were machine-gunned. All but Sister Lt Vivian Bullwinkel were killed.[3]
Drummond was mentioned in dispatches in 1946, and a memorial park, opened at Broken Hill hospital in 1949, commemorates her.[2][1] She worked at Broken Hill hospital before joining the Australian Regular Army.[2][1]

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Bible Based Ministries

Providing teaching from the Word of God, and a biblical exposure of the Papal system and all that is associated with it.

 The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation (Part Two)

ROME and the Lutheran Institution.


Saturday, October 7, 2017

      OCTOBER 31st, 2017:

The VIDEO, presented by Richard Bennett and Pastor William Mencarow,(Prophecy
Teacher) tells the Truth and story of how Rome, has re-written the History of the Reformation, and the role that the Vatican played in wars, persecutions and in
countering the Reformation through to modern times.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

New book by Shaun Willcock:
  Print Edition: 167 pages Paperback   £7.00 (excluding postage)     E-book Edition (PDF and EPUB formats): £4.00    
Please Note: this book is not yet available from our U.S. distributor, and thus they are not taking orders from the U.S. or Canada at this time.  As soon as they have the book in stock, we will let you know. God willing, this will be in December 2017.  In the meantime, if you live in North America and would like to order the book from us right away, write to info@biblebasedministries.co.uk and we will let you know the cost, including shipping (but this will be shipping costs from outside the U.S., and unfortunately therefore more expensive).  Payment can then be made via Paypal, or by cheque to our distributor.

**Please see the attached flyer for further details about the book, and for ordering instructions.

 From the Back Cover: 
  In our day Matthew chapter 24 is usually interpreted to be about the events just prior to the second coming of Christ, and about the second coming itself.  But although this appeals to modern generations because it makes for exciting and sensationalist exposition, it ignores the obvious historical fulfilment of one verse after another, the context, and the relationship of the chapter to various other Scriptures.  All these things reveal that it was fulfilled in the dramatic events leading up to, and occurring in, the year AD 70, when the Roman army besieged Jerusalem and finally captured it, destroying the Jewish state, capital city, and great temple.   However, those events in the first century AD typified, they foreshadowed or prefigured, events which will occur near to, and at, the very end of the world, and the second coming of Christ.   In addition, for all Christians in all ages of the world, it has so much to teach regarding how to live in this fallen world of abounding iniquity, massive religious deception, hatred for and persecution of
Christ’s disciples, and political and social turmoil. 
  This great prophecy was not given to tickle the ears, nor to satisfy idle curiosity.  It was given so that Christians would be warned; take heed; watch and pray; understand the times and act accordingly; and be ready to meet their Lord and Saviour when He comes.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Matthew 23:39King James Version (KJV)

39 For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

A SPECIAL MESSAGE OF CONDOLENCE from this blog-spot, Australia,
We are truly horrified at the unspeakable evil,
perpetrated on your citizens. We grieve
and sorrow for and with you. 
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and may GOD BLESS AMERICA! 
Genesis 6:12, 13.


Monday, October 2, 2017

Drawing Aside the Purple Curtain
New Article:

The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation (Part One)
The Reformation’s Accomplishments and Errors, and the End of Its Protest

by Shaun Willcock  (See ARTICLES, on top right-hand of Web site)

Dear friends

The 31st October 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.  On this day in 1517, an obscure German monk named Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the castle door in Wittenberg, Germany – and sparked a spiritual, political and social revolution which shook the world.  Within weeks the theses had been widely circulated throughout the country and then throughout Europe.  Prophesied of in Scripture (Rev. 10), the Reformation was an event which literally altered the course of history and changed the world. 
It is not surprising that its 500th anniversary would be observed by Protestant institutions the world over.  But the tragedy is that what should be commemorated as the time when, in the Lord’s providence, a massive break was made with the diabolical Roman Papacy, is in fact being commemorated, by many of the historic Protestant institutions, as the time when that very break is being mended!  When it should be being commemorated by reminding people of the false doctrines and abominable practices of the Papal system, of why the Reformation occurred, and of the great need to remain forever separate from that iniquitous, idolatrous and utterly antichristian religious system with its headquarters in Rome, many of the Protestant institutions are doing the very opposite.  They are actually lamenting the break which occurred; calling it a great tragedy; wishing it had never happened; and doing all in their power to rush back under the wings of “Mother Rome” as fast as their spineless, biblically ignorant leaders will take them!
We are witnesses to the most momentous religious  reversal in all history: the headlong rush by the “Protestant” institutions to now apologise to Rome for ever breaking away, and to grovel at the feet of the Roman Antichrist.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

This is a VIDEO about the little known
in 1994, when 800,000 Tutsis were
slaughtered by Hutus.
The COVER-UP is "Just WHO" was
behind this modern-day Holocaust.



  The Time When Fake News CNN Cut Off NFL Star Benjamin Watson’s Mic For Mentioning Jesus Christ And Salvation

Fake News CNN has a long and storied history of having the mic go dead in interviews where the CNN narrative is not being advanced. This is not new they have been doing it for years now. Today I would like to take you back to 2014 when CNN's Brooke Baldwin has this exchange on racism with NFL star Benjamin Watson.

Watson clearly says that “Ultimately the problem is not a SKIN problem, it is a SIN problem.” He then explains that sin is the reason why people rebel against authority, it is why people are racist, it is why people will sometimes lie just to cover for their own race.

"But sanctify the Lord God in yout hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear." 1 Peter 3:15 (KJV)

Fake News CNN has a long and storied history of having the mic go dead in interviews where the CNN narrative is not being advanced. This is not new they have been doing it for years now. Today I would like to take you back to 2014 when CNN’s Brooke Baldwin had this exchange on racism with NFL star Benjamin Watson. STORY AND VIDEO HERE:




UKIP Leader Warns The Overwhelming Rise Of Islam In The UK Is ‘Burying British Culture’ At Alarming Rate

The weight of immigration and the rise of Islam is leading to British culture being “buried”, according to UKIP’s new leader. Henry Bolton said there is a concern amongst people that their way of life is being “pushed aside”, and vowed to “address it” as he spoke to The Sun a day after his shock election.

The weight of immigration and the rise of Islam is leading to British culture being “buried”, according to the new leader of UKIP.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Shortly after I first got saved, back in the early 90’s, someone handed me a Chick tract called ‘Allah Had No Son‘ where it predicted the rise of Islam in the UK and the United States. People I showed it to mocked what they called “fundamentalist Christian hate speech” but guess what? Here in 2017, those predictions have come true with disturbing accuracy. You can take over a country by military jihad, but you can also take a country by biological jihad. That is precisely what’s now happening in England. 
Henry Bolton said there is a concern amongst people that their way of life is being “pushed aside”, and vowed to “address it” as he spoke to The Sun a day after his shock election.STORY HERE: