500 Years Later, The Papacy Is Still Antichrist
By Richard Bennett and Stuart Quint
Even as many observe the 500th anniversary of the great Reformation, still many religious leaders unite in putting asunder the truths of God's Word that shaped Western civilization. Two important truths that emerged from the Reformation proclaim that justification is by faith alone and that the Roman Catholic Papacy is the Antichrist of Biblical prophesy. In this article Richard Bennett and Stuart Quint clearly identify this “Man of Sin” and make a call for Biblical Protest.
propaganda machine of the Roman Catholic Church is ramping up in 2017.
Rome continues to execute its grand strategy geared toward ignorant
evangelicals defined at Vatican Council II over 50 years ago:
by little, as the obstacles to perfect ecclesial communion are
overcome, all Christians will be gathered in a common celebration of the
Eucharist…”[1] Pope Francis has continued to minimize the differences between Rome and those who believe the Bible.[2] Some evangelicals have fallen in line with the Pope.[3]
The truth is that the reasons for those loyal to the Gospel of Christ
to protest now remain just as valid today as they were 500 years ago.
One major area of dispute is the insatiable ambitions and claims of the