Monday, September 26, 2016

Beautiful sermon by Pastor Jack Seaton:

Sunday, September 25, 2016

TREY GOWDY, as he castigates the current U.S. President,
BARAK OBAMA, for changing laws and tampering with the Constitution.



Donald Trump “discussed at length Israel’s successful experience with a security fence that helped secure its borders” during a meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that lasted longer than an hour, according to a statement from the Republican presidential nominee’s campaign.

"To declare the name of the LORD in Zion, and his praise in Jerusalem; when the people are gathered together, and the kingdom to serve the LORD.  Psalm 102:21,22 (KJV)
EDITOR’S NOTE: Hey there, Christian, still looking for a reason to vote for Donald Trump in November? Today he just gave you another one, and it’s awesome. Donald Trump met this morning with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, and promised that in a Trump presidency the United States will recognize Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the sovereign nation of Israel. If you’re a Bible believer, that’s the one and only reason you need to vote Trump on 11.08.16. 
Trump’s proposal to build a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico as way to confront illegal immigration has become a cornerstone of his campaign, although the statement did not say whether he drew direct parallels with Israel’s border fence, which is meant to combat terrorism.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Watch Video:  Malachi – 'The Messenger of the Lord' 1 - Pastor Ibrahim Ag Mohamed

                   ADULLAM FILMS:
                      by CHRISTIAN J. PINTO.

            BRIDGE TO BABYLON.
This is the third in the series, THE UNTOLD HISTORY OF THE BIBLE.

1) The role of Westcott and Hort in secretly changing the text of the Bible through the Revision of 1881. 
2) An examination of Westcott and Hort’s letters and what they believed.
3) The warnings of 19th century critic, F.H.A. Scrivener who opposed the Revision and warned that the work was based on fiction rather than historic fact.
4) The warnings of Dean John W. Burgon who believed that the new Greek manuscripts used for the Revision were the corrupted codices of ancient Gnostic heretics. 
5) Examples from the work of Westcott and Hort (which are found in most modern bibles) of what Burgon believed were Gnostic readings from the ancient world.
6) Historic information on ancient Gnostic sects as recorded by early church fathers.
7) Examination of the claim that earlier manuscripts are closer to the originals, in light of the corruptions of heretical groups in the first and second centuries.
8) Rationalism and its role in modern textual criticism.
9) The influence of the critical text in the 20th century, with Eberhard Nestle, Kurt Aland, Bruce Metzger and the Jesuit Carlo Maria Martini.
10) The discovery of the Bodmer Papyri and the involvement of a Jesuit priest named Father Louis Doutreleau.
11) Evidence that the Egyptian papyri come from Gnostic origins. 
12) The work of Eugene Nida and the development of dynamic equivalency.
13) The influence of William Cameron Townsend the founder of Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Summer Institute of Linguistics.
14) The connection between the new Bible movement and Rome.
15) The use of the UBS/Nestle-Aland Greek text as a one world Bible, intended to be a “bridge” for reunification with Rome.
We have received the copies back from the duplicator and have been shipping pre-orders for the past few days and are working to get caught up. For those who placed a pre-order for the film, please allow 1-2 more weeks to receive your copy if you have a domestic address.  For international pre-orders, please allow 2-3 more weeks. FOR MORE INFORMATION GO TO:

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

New Article:
“Mother” Teresa a Saint?  Neither in Life Nor in Death 

by Shaun Willcock

Click here to read, download or print the article: 

Dear friends

The woman known to the world as “Mother Teresa” has just been declared to be a “saint” by the pope of Rome.

She was one of the most instantly recognisable human beings on the face of the earth.  People the world over will say things like, “That person is a Mother Teresa”; she has become the standard by which the world measures what it considers holiness or self-sacrifice or love.  And this is a tragedy!  The world does not point to Christ and speak this way.  It does not even point to some of the Lord’s faithful servants through the ages, true Christians who lived holy and self-sacrificing lives unto the glory of God.  No, the world points to a Roman Catholic nun.  Let no true Christian be found guilty of doing this!  This poor benighted woman was no true example of Christ-likeness.  She was a stranger to Him.  LINK TO STORY HERE:

Friday, September 9, 2016

British police force says it may allow female officers to wear burkas as part of uniform 

 In reality, the greatest symbol of oppression on planet Earth is the burka. ...And, if you live in England, it may be coming to a police officer near you! STORY HERE:

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

True, that we in AUSTRALIA, see the present administration in Washington FROM "AFAR," but for those of us who have watched what has been going on there for the past almost eight years, the situation is dire.
Ms. Clinton, a proven pathological liar, getting a "free pass" by the F.B.I., and the D.O.J., for her well documented treasonous activity, and with OBAMA's full co-operation and "cover." 
For the goodly citizens of the USA, and especially the true Christians, we watch and pray that God will give you respite from these marauders of your Constitution.
We have put this VIDEO for you, which we think fits the bill:

Friday, September 2, 2016

Pope Francis Says That Man-Made ‘Global Warming’ Is A ‘Sin’ That Humans Must Repent Of

The Pope said that the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation was instituted in order to give believers an opportunity to “reaffirm their personal vocation to be stewards of creation.” It also furnishes an occasion to thank God for the gift of creation, to implore his help for its protection and to beg “his pardon for the sins committed against the world in which we live.”
"Sins committed against the world!" 
Now is the time to “acknowledge our sins against creation,” the Pope said. “Inasmuch as we all generate small ecological damage,” we are called to acknowledge “our contribution, smaller or greater, to the disfigurement and destruction of creation.”