Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Article of the
In our news article below, we document attempts to reverse the
1.On October 31, 1999, in Augsburg, Germany, the Roman Catholic Church and The Lutheran World Federation will sign "The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification. The date on which an overturning of the Reformation is to be undertaken is the very day known as "Reformation Day", on which Luther posted his famous yet unanswered "95 Theses". 2.In Britain, the Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission (ARCIC) made its Declaration on Justification in 1987. This denial of Biblical faith reached it climax in May 1999 when ARCIC II’s ‘Final Report on Authority’ called for complete surrender to the authority of the Papacy.Before reading some difficult news we remember Who is our God. "I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, "My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure." (Isa 46:9-10) We know that all things are under the direction of the Wisdom of the all Holy Sovereign God. He will accomplish His plans, as is so well explained in Romans 8:28. What would He have us to do in face of what we see? The response is in the words "and having done all, to stand, stand therefore…" In all matters of faith and morals, the final authority is the Bible alone (Sola Scriptura). Before the all-holy God, according to the Bible, a person is saved by grace alone (Sola Gratia), through faith alone (Sola Fide), in Christ alone (Solo Christo). Following on this, all glory and praise is to God alone (Soli Deo Gloria). With confidence these five biblical principles of the Reformation ought to be preached and lived.
3.In the USA there is more serious compromise, as we show below.
FULL ARTICLE :http://www.the-highway.com/articleOct99.html
"Pope" Francis hits a new low, comparing Jesus' disciples spreading the Word of Christ, to ISIS KILLERS!
(The majority of the evangelical church fiddles like Nero, waiting for "another" to fill the shoes of a "Futurist's" Antichrist!)
So, just "WHO" runs the E.U. ?
Where in the Bible does it describe the apostles beheading infidels and selling sex slaves?
Must have missed that part in my Catholic upbringing.
Catholic leaders may want to muzzle this idiot if they want any church left when he kicks the bucket. (WE HOPE THERE WILL BE NOTHING LEFT, BUT AN HEAP!)
Via Infowars:
“Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam,” he told French newspaper La Croix. “It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam, however, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.”
The Pope also said he “dreaded” hearing about the “Christian roots of Europe” because, to him, they take on “colonialist overtones” and he called on European nations to integrate (or INTERBREED!) MUSLIM migrants into the continent.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Godless Hillsong NYC Women’s Colour Conference Featured An Appearance From The ‘Naked Cowboy’
In a world saturated with sex and sexual images, the Church is supposed
to be the place where that is not allowed to enter. Not at Hillsong.
Take a look at the following smartphone video of the closing night of
the first-ever Hillsong Women's Conference in NYC, it's quite the
by Geoffrey Grider May 25, 2016
A nearly naked cowboy, though, is an odd choice for a woman’s conference though, don’t you think?
"Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." 2 Timothy 3:5 (KJVSTORY AND VIDEO HERE:
Monday, May 23, 2016
CHRISLAM UPDATE: Pope Francis And Sunni Islam’s Top Imam Hold Historic Meeting At Vatican
That All may be one! (I'll be your boss, of course!) |
In a statement on the trip, Al-Azhar, an institution that also comprises a prestigious seat of learning, said Tayeb had accepted Pope Francis's invitation in order to "explore efforts to spread peace and co-existence."
by Geoffrey Grider May 23, 2016
Pope Francis met the grand imam of Cairo’s Al-Azhar Mosque at the Vatican on Monday in a historic encounter that was sealed with a hugely symbolic hug and exchange of kisses
The first Vatican meeting
between the leader of the world’s Catholics and the highest authority
in Sunni Islam marks the culmination of a significant improvement in
relations between the two faiths since Francis took office in 2013. STORY HERE:
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Pope Francis Celebrates The Islamization Of Europe, Says Muslim Migration ‘Necessary’
Pope Francis also claimed Europe’s declining birth rate is a “grave
problem” that makes mass Muslim migration “necessary.” He described this
“demographic emptiness” as a result of “a selfish search for
by Geoffrey Grider May 22, 2016
The Pope has hailed the election of Sadiq Khan as “Muslim” mayor of London, claimed mass Muslim migration is “necessary” for Europe, and blamed Paris and Brussels for the attacks on European soil
Pope Francis says that Europe should become more like Lebanon, citing
the relationship between Christians and Muslims there. What he failed to
mention was that after an influx of Muslim migrants in the 1970’s, tens
of thousands of Lebanese Christian were ethnically cleansed and driven
out of the country.
In an interview with French newspaper La Croix, Pope Francis strongly implied that the terrorists who attacked Paris and Brussels did so because they “grew up in a ghetto.” FULL STORY HERE:
Oh! and by the way...Sadiq Khan shared platform with five Islamic extremists...
Sadiq Khan shared a platform with five Islamic extremists at a
political meeting where women were told to use a separate entrance, the
Evening Standard can reveal.Labour’s candidate for Mayor of London took part with an activist who has threatened “fire throughout the world”, a supporter of terror group Hamas, a preacher who backs an Islamic state and a Muslim leader accused of advocating attacks on the Royal Navy if it stopped arms being smuggled into Gaza.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Jesuits in China?
Father Adolfo Nicolás, a Spanish priest and missionary to Asia, was elected the new Superior General of the Jesuits.
A TIME article notes that Nicolás, also known as the “Black Pope,” holds a “lifetime posting” that “has sway over a network of priests, universities, hospitals and other missionary institutions around the globe.”i TIME also states that “...the rest of the Church never allowed a Jesuit to be elected to the real papacy for fear of concentrating too much power in the hands of the order.”ii
What TIME doesn’t mention is the incredible global power that the Jesuits already hold. According to historian Dave Hunt, “The Pope has thousands of secret agents worldwide. They include Jesuits, the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, and others.” Jesuits aim at universal dominion. They have rendered themselves indispensable to the Pope and to U.S. governors. They hold revolutions in their hands, and, as it was written by Luigi Descantis in 1865, “it is they who rule the world.”iii
Given the Jesuits’ dominion, how powerful is their Superior General? In 1720, Michael Angelo Tamburini, then General of the Jesuits, said to the Duke of Brancas,
"See, my lord, from this room-from this room I govern not only Paris, but CHINA: not only China, but the whole world, without anyone knowing how 'tis managed."
To succeed in China, the Jesuits built close linkages with the emperor's court and with elite literati in Peking. To ease integration they dressed in silk robes after the mandarin fashion and lived in well-appointed houses that contrasted sharply with their vows of poverty and egalitarian ideals. To facilitate communication they delved into Confucianism and argued that it was not a religion but a secular system of politics and ethics; hence, its practices could be recast within a Christian mold. Critics pounced on their tolerance of ancestor tablets within the Chinese Rites, despite Jesuit protestations that these were no longer for "worship of ancestors" but simply paid "gratitude" to forebears. Some scholars see the China Jesuits and their cultural accommodation as forerunners of "modern" or "tolerant" attitudes, but debate remains (p. 61). A cynic could seize on the fact that when Ricci died in 1610 and was allowed to be buried near Peking, other Jesuits appealed to their Confucian duty to care for an ancestor's tomb to justify their continued presence. Illustrations from Chinese Jesuit publications show a mix of standard Christian and Chinese motifs not pursued by Brockey. For example, a seventeenth-century Madonna and Child image from Shaanxi province shows the Christ Child with a topknot, a class indicator marking the Ming scholar/official.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Pope Francis Said Yesterday That Christians Spreading The Gospel Much The Same As Muslims Waging Jihad
“I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and
its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam,” he told La
Croix. “It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of
Islam.” “However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in
Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in
terms of the same idea of conquest.”
by Geoffrey Grider May 18, 2016
In an interview published Tuesday with France’s La Croix, Pope Francis argued that Jesus’ call to spread the Gospel differs little from the jihad waged by radical Islamic terrorists
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Obama Will Issue Orders Tomorrow For Forced Transgender Integration In Public School Bathrooms
Today, the Obama administration said they will issue guidance on Friday
directing public schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms
matching their gender identity. A joint letter from the Departments of
Education and Justice will go out to schools on Friday with guidelines
to ensure that "transgender students enjoy a supportive and
nondiscriminatory school environment," the Obama administration said on
by Geoffrey Grider May 13, 2016
Today, the Obama administration said they will issue guidance on Friday forcibly directing public schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms matching their ‘gender identity’
"Many shall be purified and made white and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand." Daniel 12:10 (KJV)The Bible declares that, in the last days, wickedness would rise exponentially and our now-global society would be plunged into spiritual darkness. Not only will sin abound, it will be glorified and honoured. That is certainly our day. STORY HERE:
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Heart condition improving then, George?
Cardinal Pell pictured tucking into steak, chips and beer in a Roman piazza - weeks after claiming he was 'too ill' to come home to face child sex abuse royal commission
- Cardinal Pell pictured enjoying meal of steak and chips in Rome
- Australia's most senior Catholic washed down his food with a tall beer
- Six weeks earlier Cardinal Pell claimed he was 'too ill' to return to Australia
- Two-page report stated flying home placed him at risk of 'heart failure'
- He gave evidence via video link to Child Sex Abuse Royal Commission
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3582232/Cardinal-George-Pell-eats-steak-chips-beer-Rome-two-months-sick-fly-Australia-Royal-Commission.html#ixzz48Q5E273l
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Saturday, May 7, 2016
A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
They DENY the Lord who
bought them!
False teachers like Charles Swindoll no longer
have to 'secretly' bring in their destructive heresies. They own the
platforms! With deceptive words and smooth speech they exploit you and
blaspheme the way of truth. Following is one of the slickest of them
all. He's polished and well placed and many consider him a scholar in biblical
studies. But he has overthrown the faith of many and lead them into the error
of the wicked. You need only read for yourself to see the Mr. Swindoll
preaches a 'cheap' and watered down message promoting the sin
religion. In typical New Evangelical fashion, he recommends and uncritically quotes from the books of a wide variety of false teachers. Swindoll devoted an entire edition of his Insights for Living publication (April 1988) to uncritical promotion of the German neo-orthodox Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Swindoll calls Bonhoeffer "a saint bound for heaven"; but this "saint" promoted the "de-mythologizing" and questioning of Scripture. Cornelius Van Til documented Bonhoeffer's dangerous theology in The Great Debate Today. Swindoll has also uncritically praised the Roman Catholic Mother Teresa who taught that Hindus and Buddhists can go to heaven by their own faith. In his book The Tale of the Tardy Oxcart, Swindoll quotes Robert Schuller with no qualification, in spite of the fact that Schuller preaches a false gospel of self-esteem.
Population Demographics Now Show That The Islamization of England Cannot Be Stopped
The demographic statistics in this video are frightening, and even more
so when you realize that they are now 5 years out of date. Every
prediction made here has either come true or will come to pass in the
next few years. Why have the Muslims targeted England as the first place
on conquest? Because our society is based from there. English is the
world language, absolute time is Greenwich Mean Time, absolute
temperature is called the British Thermal Unit, and absolute Truth is
found in the King James Bible. What better place for the Muslim invasion
to claim as a conquest?
by Geoffrey Grider May 7, 2016
London elected a Muslim mayor on Friday, an event never before seen in the industrialized Western world, and it spells ruin for the Crown
'AND HE WILL BE A WILD MAN; HIS HAND WILL BE AGAINST EVERY MAN, AND EVERY MAN'S HAND AGAINST HIM; AND HE SHALL DWELL IN THE PRESENCE OF ALL HIS BRETHREN." Genesis 16:12 (KJV)The ‘peace in our time‘ liberals are hailing yesterday’s historic election of a Muslim to a position of power in one of the world’s largest cities as a ‘victory over racism’. When in reality it is a death blow for the Western world in general and for England in particular. There are many ways to skin a cat, as the saying goes, and Islamic terrorism is only one of those ways. A much more effective way, and something that in a free society is unstoppable, is to change the demographics to favor Muslims and then get elected into power legally. Once inside, changing from civilized law to Sharia Law is pathetically easy to do. In fact, it’s happening right now. AND THE REST HERE:
Friday, May 6, 2016
Pope Francis Tells Sovereign European Nations To ‘Tear Down Their Borders’ For Muslim Migrants
"I dream of a Europe where being a migrant is not a crime but a summons
to greater commitment on behalf of the dignity of every human being,"
he said. Pope Francis's comments came in a speech as the 79-year-old
pontiff was presented with the EU's Charlemagne Prize for his
contribution to European unification.
by Geoffrey Grider May 6, 2016
Pope Francis said Friday he dreamed of a Europe in which “being a migrant is not a crime”, as he urged EU leaders to ‘tear down the walls’ and build a fairer society
"And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH." Revelation 17:4,5 (KJV)
EDITOR’S NOTE: Pope Francis was just awarded a prize for his contributions to European
unification. As he accepted that prize, he demanded that all member
states of the EU ‘tear down their walls’ and allow Muslim migrants to
stream in at will. He isn’t trying to unify Europe at all, he is looking
to create a global empire with himself as it’s leader. People forget
that the Pope is also the king over the Vatican State, a sovereign
nation, and he is looking to vastly expand his empire.
North Carolina Tells Obama’s Justice Dep’t ‘We Won’t Be Bullied’ Over Transgender Bathroom Bill
In a statement, McCrory said he would review the letter to determine
the state’s next steps. “The Obama administration has not only staked
out its position for North Carolina, but for all states, universities
and most employers in the U.S.,” the governor said. “The right and
expectation of privacy in one of the most private areas of our personal
lives is now in jeopardy.”
by Geoffrey Grider May 6, 2016
North Carolina says it will defy Justice Department over LGBT law: ‘We’re not going to get bullied’
EDITOR’S NOTE: More states like North Carolina need to fight the tyranny and oppression of the Obama administration’s demonic LGBT agenda. This man calls himself a Christian and he wants to force states to allow men in the ladies room? Pray for North Carolina that they have the strength and courage to stand their ground as the Obama Justice Department starts their attacks against them. Let the new Civil War begin!A political showdown between North Carolina and the federal government loomed Thursday as Republican state leaders vowed to defy the U.S. Justice Department’s deadline to repeal the state’s contentious new transgender bathroom law.
The Justice Department notified Gov. Pat McCrory in a letter Wednesday that the state’s House Bill 2, which restricts transgender bathroom access and has become a focus in the LGBT rights fight, violates sections of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. It gave the state until Monday to “remedy” the violations.STORY HERE:
Thursday, May 5, 2016
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John Gill
Early life and education
Pastoral work
His first pastoral work was as an intern assisting John Davis at Higham Ferrers in 1718 at age 21. He became pastor at the Strict Baptist church at Goat Yard Chapel, Horsleydown, Southwark in 1719. His pastorate lasted 51 years. In 1757 his congregation needed larger premises and moved to a Carter Lane, St. Olave’s Street, Southwark. This Baptist church was once pastored by Benjamin Keach and would later become the New Park Street Chapel and then the Metropolitan Tabernacle pastored by Charles Spurgeon.During Gill's ministry the church strongly supported the preaching of George Whitefield at nearby Kennington Common.
**Read John Gill's commentary on
2 Thessalonians 2:7
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Shock As Muslim Labour Candidate Is Strong Favorite To Become The Next Mayor Of London
The left wing of the party -- and notably its current leader Jeremy
Corbyn -- have long been sympathetic to the Palestinian cause and it is
not the first time Labour has faced accusations that this had led to
actual anti-Semitism.
by Geoffrey Grider May 1, 2016
by Geoffrey Grider May 1, 2016
Muslim Sadiq Khan of opposition Labour Party is the strong favourite to win London’s mayoral election on Thursday after a contest marked by religious tensions and accusations of racism
For the past twenty years, Great Britain in the name of
multiculturalism has allowed Islam to gain a foothold within the English
culture. It’s a move that is rapidly proving to be fatal to their
national identity. Muslims do not assimilate,
they arrive for one reason only and that is to claim the land for
Allah. When they are small in number they are relatively quiet, but
that’s only to bide their time until their numbers increase. At that
point, they take control. Once England has a number a Muslims elected to
key positions, they will vote freedom out and they will vote the
demonic Sharia Law in. STORY AND VIDEO HERE:
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