Editorial from FAITH & FREEDOM MAGAZINE, April/May 2015, (Errol D. Stone, Ed.)
Used by permission.
The Perversion of Versions
In his foreword to the book “Beyond Versions”, A Biblical Perspective
of Modern English Bibles, written by Dr SH Tow, Rev. Dr. Timothy
Tow said, “This treatise is on the battle between the King James Bible
and the hundred other versions of the English Bible. The KJB is translated
from the age-old preserved text, the traditional Textus Receptus,
by devout scholars most faithful and true. It has reigned supreme for
300 years until challenged by Wescott and Hort from 1817 which resulted
in its revision in 1881. This opened the floodgate for one hundred
other versions each claiming to be God’s faithful word.”
“For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.” (2 Cor. 13:8)
The preface says, ”God’s Word is under attack, today as never before,
“Yea, hath God said?” was Satan’s declaration of war against the
Word from the beginning. Sowing doubt and fostering unbelief in his
subtle tactic.” It also says, “In time, burning of martyrs fell out of
fashion: suppression was replaced with subversion. “The pure Word
of God must be replaced by doctored versions!”
The first, the ERV(English Revised Version, 1881) breached the dike of Holy Scripture,
and 100 Modern English Versions poured through the floodgate of
Revisionism. Feeding Christians with corrupted ecumenical versions
is more effective than feeding them to the flames in the years following,
Rome’s ecumenical strategy more than proved its worth.”
Out of the 16th century Reformation came a proper understanding of
the doctrine of Justification with Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone);
Sola Fide (Faith alone); Sola Gratia (Grace alone); Sola Christos
(Christ alone). The greatest translation was described as follows”
“God’s deliverance of England out of 1000 years of Roman darkness
and superstition was sealed with the greatest translation of history,
the King James Bible. Without this, “more sure word of prophecy”
(2 Peter 1:19), the accurate and dependable Word of God in the
English language, the Reformation in England could not have withstood
the forces of the Counter Reformation. The King James Bible
stood as a bulwark of the Protestant faith, a banner “that it may be
displayed because of the truth” (Psalm 60:4).
John Wycliffe (1324-1384) described as the “Morning Star of the Reformation”
translated from the Latin Vulgate and gave his people their
first English Bible. Although God saved Wycliffe from being burnt at
the stake, they dug up his bones and burned them 44 years later. Many
Lollard preachers who continued, fell into the hands of the Roman
Church and were burnt at the stakes with Wycliffe Bibles hung round
their necks, for “They love not their lives unto death” (Rev. 12:11).
William Tyndale (1494-1536) a master linguist of Oxford and Cambridge
gave the people their first Bible translated from the original languages.
This was the forerunner to the King James Bible (1611). William
Tyndale was strangled and burnt at the stake near Brussels in 1536
for defying the Roman power and translating God’s Word into English.
John Rogers (1500-1555) whose pen name was Thomas Matthew,
continued the unfinished works of the Old Testament which he completed
in 1537 calling it the Matthew’s Bible. John Rogers was also
arrested and condemned to be burned by the Roman authorities.
Although not exhaustive, the following are some examples of corruptions
as declared by “Beyond Versions”:
The Good News Bible (GNB) presents another Christ, not the
Christ of the Bible, the only begotten of the Father, the Virgin – born
Son of God, God manifest in the flesh, the Second Person of the
Trinity. The GNB eliminates the vital doctrine of redemption
through the Blood of the Lamb, to present a bloodless and false gospel.
The GNB is a corrupt version.
The New American Standard Version (NASV) entertains serious
doubts about our Lord’s Divine Sonship of God, His incarnation and
Lordship, His Divine Goodness and His bodily resurrection. The
NASV attacks the doctrine that salvation is exclusive to Christ alone,
consequently the NASV is a corrupt version.
The New English Bible (
NEB) presents Jesus Christ as being born of
natural human parents, not the eternal only begotten Son of God. The
NEB attacks the Atonement and Redemption through the precious Blood
of Christ the Lamb of God. Consequently the NEB is a corrupt version.
The New International Version (
NIV) claims to be the most exact,
illuminating rendering of the original language into English. The ecumenical
composition of the translators which included Protestant, Roman
Catholic, Jewish Atheistic scholars, predetermined an ecumenical
agenda for the translation process. As a result it firstly presented a humanised
Jesus born of natural parents, secondly presented Jesus as one
Saviour among many and thirdly a heaven open to all, Christians and
others. Consequently the
NIV is a doctrinally corrupt version.
The New King James Version (
NKJV) is described as a masterpiece
of deception, a counterfeit of the original King James Bible, the authentic Word of God, the Authorised Version. It is described as a version with a pro-gay and a pro-Roman Catholic bias.
This version was reviewed, leaving no doubt about its evil nature. Consequently
NKJV used by neo-evangelicals is a corrupt version.
The Revised Standard Version (
RSV) contains malicious tempering
of Scripture aimed at the Person and Work of our Lord Jesus
Christ. It was concluded that the RSV presents another Jesus, not the
Christ of the Scripture, the only begotten of the Father, the Virgin
born Son of God, God manifest in the flesh, the Second Person of the
Trinity. The RSV attacks the vital doctrine of redemption through the
Blood of Christ. Consequently the RSV is a corrupt version.
The English Standard Version (
ESV) is built upon the corrupt
version RSV and http://www.av1611.org claims it should have been
correctly named The English SUBStandard Version.
The Living Bible (
TLB) after giving numerous examples of corruption,
is declared as vulgar and inaccurate and in doctrinal matters
attacks Christ as God and Creator. Consequently the TLB is described
as a corrupt version.
"Beyond Versions", described Wescott and Hort as servants of
Satan and Doctors of deceit, who by the evil genius of textual criticism
overthrew the traditional Received Text (TR) from its undisputed
1500 year supremacy and replaced it with a doctored Greek
Text which, seated in the chair of authority, became the basis of
modern editions of the Greek New Testament in use today. They
received enormous corruption from the Codex Vaticanus and caps
on Sinaiticus, two of the worst corruptions ever discovered.
When the
Queen James Bible came out in December 2012 an article
from freedomoutpost.com posted an article titled “Queen James Bible:
Homosexuals Pervert The Scriptures” saying a new perversion is out.
The promoters declared that the version seeks to resolve interpretive
ambiguity and that “Homosexuality was first mentioned in the Bible in
1946, in the Revised Standard Version. There is no mention of or reference
to homosexuality in any Bible prior to this - only interpretations
have been made.” Some of the verses regarding the issue are:
Lev.18:22; Lev.20:13; Rom.1:24-27; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; 1 Tim. 1:10.
Now The End Begins News Desk
posted the article, “New Bible Versions
Remove “Father” And “Son Of God” because it offends Muslims on 10 February
2015. They claimed that some mainline Christian organisations are
changing their Holy Scripture to avoid offence and that not only does this
violate the Scripture, but also defeats the purpose of the mission (John 17:17).
In his lectures on “Sign Miracles and the Church,” Dr John Whitcomb
declared that theoretically if God gave a new revelation after the completion
of His Perfect Word it would be a colossal blow to the church, as it
would render the Bible as incomplete and out of date. Therefore if someone
says that Jesus spoke to them, even through a dream it would make
them unscriptural and dangerous. As a result people that claim genuine
miraculous healings, either on TV or on a platform are deceived. Consequently
there are no genuine Divine Miracle Workers or genuine Faith
Healers today without the eisegetical perversion of versions.
"If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life,
and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." Rev. 22:18-19.